
Why Men Are Celebrated For Bare Minimum They Do In Relationships

It's ideal to recognise and value your partner's effort because it strengthens your bond, but have you ever questioned whether that effort is what you truly deserve or whether you are expecting too little or nothing at all?

Priya Prakash
New Update
Bare Minimum In Relationships
"I’m glad you called; I've been trying to reach out to you since yesterday; where were you?", "Lucky me! He’s taking me out today", "Oh, he’s so great; he helps me in the kitchen after we both return from work."  Have you ever found yourself having these conversations about your man or praising him like he’s done something praiseworthy? 

It's ideal to recognise and value your partner's effort because it strengthens your bond, but have you ever questioned whether that effort is what you truly deserve or whether you are expecting too little or nothing at all? Have you ever found yourself yearning for a simple conversation with your partner, and when they finally make time for you, it feels like a significant achievement? Or perhaps you have to persuade them to plan a date for quality time together, and when they do, it feels like a small victory. At the very least, have you ever shown appreciation and thanked him for helping with household chores, especially when both of you have busy work schedules?

If you find yourself in these situations and your answer is yes, it's essential to take a closer look and reflect on your relationship. While being emotionally mature and giving space to your partner are crucial aspects, settling for the bare minimum in love may not be healthy.

Understanding the concept of the "bare minimum" in a relationship can be complex, as it refers to the minimum requirements one should have from their partnership. This can differ from person to person based on their experiences, values, level of commitment, and willingness to make the relationship work. 

Moreover, it's vital to assess whether you are not putting yourself in a position where you even have to ask for low effort in a relationship or praising him for doing just enough for the relationship to survive but not thrive. Remember, a fulfilling and healthy relationship should go beyond just surviving on the bare minimum.

Here are some bare minimums that men in relationships often do, and women appreciate and celebrate these gestures.

Bare Minimum In Relationships That Men Do And Are Celebrated


Communicating or Making Time For You

Talking to or meeting your partner can be the most joyful and fulfilling moments of your day, as it fosters a healthy habit of honesty, openness, and staying connected. However, if you find yourself consistently being the one who puts in all the effort to maintain contact or having to ask your partner to make time for you, it falls under the bare minimum of what is expected in a relationship. You deserve more; don't you think you should be with someone who is as invested in you as you are in them? A fulfilling relationship is built on mutual effort and a shared desire to be connected and present for each other.

Asking For Your Consent

As women, we appreciate it when our partner understands and seeks our consent. But why? Shouldn't it be the bare minimum in any relationship? It's not just about intimacy; it's also about being asked about our choices and preferences in various aspects of life, whether it's about locking a date, choosing a restaurant, or deciding what to eat. Asking for consent and respecting your choices are fundamental aspects of a healthy relationship, and feeling fortunate for this is a sign that you may need to question if you are being taken for granted. Respecting our boundaries and desires is essential to a healthy relationship.

Being supportive or offering support

Do you celebrate your partner who supports and encourages your ambitions, has faith in your abilities, and helps you achieve your dreams? Do you appreciate and thank God for their presence during tough times, offering comfort and cheerfulness? If yes, please know that you deserve these because these are essential gestures that everyone craves and deserves from their partner, regardless of gender. Moreover, showing sympathy towards your partner is a form of intimacy, and if your partner exhibits this, it should be considered the bare minimum in a relationship. They say it is easier to sympathise than to empathise.


In a relationship, it's great to hear partners express their love for each other through words. However, it's equally important to demonstrate that love through actions and efforts. And communication, consent, and connection are essential aspects that are just the bare minimum to ask for or celebrate.

Views expressed by the author are their own. 

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Bare Minimum In Relationships