
Natural vs Plastic: The Merciless Trolling Over Beauty Procedures

The showbiz world often creates tremendous pressure on actors to fit into a certain mould of beauty, giving them a never-ending challenge to always look attractive and stay in top shape, regardless of their age

Priya Prakash
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Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Trolled Paris Fashion Week

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, the brand ambassador for a cosmetics company, recently participated in Paris Fashion Week. She walked down the runway wearing a stunning golden gown to represent the brand. A lot of people admired her appearance and her presence at this prestigious event, where renowned designers and brands showcase their work. Even popular US model Kendall Jenner was part of the event.


However, after pictures and videos from the event surfaced online, some individuals began making negative comments and suggesting that Rai may have used Botox injections on her face to reduce wrinkles.

The Trolling

Some social media users started personal attacks on the actor's appearance at Paris Fashion Week, with one commenter mentioning the desire to replace her Botox team. The comment read, "I want to fire her Botox team for her." Another user described her look as unflattering, emphasising that some fans might not acknowledge it. The user mentioned that her face appeared overfilled and somewhat unusual, also criticising her hair and her choice of dress, suggesting that the entire team responsible for her appearance should be replaced. The comment included, "She needs to fire the whole team that has done this to her."

Others expressed surprise and concern about potential cosmetic procedures, questioning if she had undergone more fillers and urging her to tone down the use of Botox. The user wrote, "Aunty, please go easy on fillers and Botox. You don’t need to botch your face."


Moreover, when the actor recently posted a few pictures of herself after attending a L'Oreal event in Mumbai on Instagram, it stirred some controversy as certain Instagram users speculated that the images might have been digitally altered.

One commentator pointed out what they believed to be significant airbrushing, highlighting perceived changes in her physique and facial features. He also urged people to embrace the natural ageing process, stating, "This is definitely airbrushed on multiple levels. This isn’t her figure or her face anymore. Why don’t people embrace gaining weight positively with age?"

Check out the post here.

In the world of showbiz, there's this ongoing cycle. First, creates tremendous pressure on actors to fit into a certain mould of beauty, giving them a never-ending challenge to always look attractive and stay in top shape, regardless of their age. But here's the twist in this cycle: Whether an actor decides to live life on their own terms, beyond these pre-defined standards, or whether they choose to conform to these benchmarks, they face this trolling either way. It's like they can't catch a break!


Praise Vs Criticism: The Disparity

In the recent past, we have seen many Indian actors representing our country at various international events, including fashion shows, galas, screenings, and festivals. Interestingly, there has been a noticeable presence of more female actors in these global events compared to their male counterparts. What stands out is the fact that, despite these female actors achieving success in their careers and bringing international acclaim to our nation, they often become targets of online trolling and personal attacks.

While trolling itself is unquestionably wrong, what's even more concerning is the clear disparity in treatment and recognition. It's evident that when male counterparts engage in similar activities, they do not face the same level of criticism or online harassment. A recent example is the praise received by Shah Rukh Khan when he became the first Indian actor to launch the trailer for Jawan at the Burj Khalifa.

Did anyone discuss his outfit? Did anyone label him 'uncle' though he is older than Rai? Were there any personal attacks or discussions aside from the success of his trailer and his statements at the event? No!

Beyond Gender: The Act Of Disrespect

While this is just an example to show the deep-rooted disparity, what some people fail to grasp is that the issue isn't solely about gender; it's about the act of disrespecting, judging, or disregarding someone based on unfounded assumptions. Even if those assumptions happen to be true, it's still wrong to disrespect someone's personal choices. Regardless of whether it's a male actor or a female actor, indulging in such behaviour remains equally morally questionable on the part of the users.


Isn't it time we reevaluate our attitudes, strive for equality in how we treat actors, regardless of gender, and respect their personal choices and individuality? 

Views expressed by the author are their own

Suggested Reading: Watch: Aishwarya Rai, Kendall Jenner Together At Paris Fashion Week

Social media trolling Aishwarya Rai Bachchan beauty standards for women Botox And Fillers