
A Panel At Women Writers' Fest Reveals How To Get Better At Blogging

Anushika Srivastava
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A Panel At Women Writers' Fest Reveals How To Get Better At Blogging

A panel discussion titled 'How to blog better and make it work for you' presented by Blogchatter,  at the Women Writers' Fest, Delhi, discussed the intricacies of blogging and what draws people to it. The panel featured speakers Shinjini, Purba Ray and Neha Sharma, and it was moderated by Richa Singh.


Blogging Isn't A Planned Journey

Blogging does not always come as a planned journey for everyone. As Richa Singh put it,"Blogging is a lot more than writing. The key reason why I wanted to start Blogcatter was in India you don't see a lot of conversations around better blogging or things you can do to achieve your goal or create an impact. I for once, was not finding answers to these questions in any of the forums. I would often actually interact with International Bloggers. They are more focused as to what they want to do and I wanted to bring those conversations to India through Blogchatter."

The key reason why I wanted to start Blogcatter was, in India you don't see a lot of conversations around better blogging. - Richa Singh

Doing It The Way You Want To

"Blogging happened to me by chance!" said Neha, "I was stuck at home, I was raising a child. I was actually confused as to what to do with my life now. Moreover, I didn't want to go back to work because I wanted to invest my time in raising my child, doing it the way I want and not how the society wants me to. When my son was around a year old, I joined a community and I found that there were many more mothers who were struggling with the same challenges of motherhood, that I was. I really thought I could help them and I started sharing my experiences."

I was a learner at every stage. - Neha Sharma

She also revealed how she had to learn everything from scratch, "I had no idea what blogging was about, when I started. I was a learner at every stage. First, I learnt how to write because I'm not a writer. I was just a person who loves writing and sharing her experiences. I knew my audiences, I knew about the problems the mothers were facing. So with blogging, though I didn't know anything about it, I am sitting here, on this platform with it is undoubtedly a big achievement for me."

Blogging As An Expression Of Self Discovery


"Blogging is a journey of self discovery", said Purba Ray, a seasoned blogger and winner of best humour blog by IndiBlogger and Blog Adda."As far as blogging is concerned, you start from zero, you start developing those ideas as to what you want to write, how you want to express and then you have to get your audience," she added.

Blogging is a journey of self discovery.- Purba Ray

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How To Blog Better

The speakers said that blogging is an amalgamation of creating content and finding viewers for it. Also, blogging could help you sail through a bad phase in your life.

"It was around 2014, when I went through a very bad phase of depression and I was trying to pull myself out of that. So while blogging, you share your experiences with people, gain feedback and hence it makes your life a more symbiotic one," revealed Shinjini, who is an editor, artist, tarot reader and writer.


While blogging, you share your experiences with people, gain feedback and hence it makes your life a more symbiotic one. - Shinjini

Don't Be Intimidated By The Big Words

"Today, many people are giving up on blogging. People are afraid of the heavy words associated with blogging like SEO, which is an important part of blogging because that's where you attract viewers and followers," said Richa. But Social Media Blogging can be good too."You get to interact with your viewers. Like you can have viewers in a blog but you don't get to interact with them and know them," added Neha.

Read More:Women’s Lives Are The Least Recorded Ones: KR Meera, WWF Delhi

Anushika Srivastava is an intern with SheThePeople.Tv

WWF Delhi 2019 blogging Blogchatter Women Writers Fest Delhi blogging india