
Women start initiative to convert garbage into manure

Women in India aren't just leading sports and business. A group of women in Nagpur have taken up the task to ensure a more eco-friendly environment as they are on a mission to turn garbage into manure.

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Women start initiative to convert garbage into manure

Clean India drive or not, some people in India, have always done their bit to keep the garbage off the streets, which in a country like India is be a huge problem. A group of women in Nagpur are doing just that. Working as volunteers under an organization they call Swachha Nagpur, seven women initiated a drive to convert garbage into manure.



Shashi Kanhoriya, Anu Chhabrani-Kale, Minal Gujarathi, Geeta Kuhikar, Urvi Suri, Shefali Dudhade and Shefali Shah- all residents of Nagpur, saw the amount of waste that was being generated in the city and gathered more volunteers to do something about it.


Minal Gujarathi told Times of India, “We agreed with his principles of returning to nature what came from it instead of utilizing technology for managing our waste. Instead of keeping what we learn from it to ourselves, we want more NGOs and even the Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) to be involved in these activities." Shefali Shah , another member added that the manure made, will be given to either forest department or farmers.


Garbage In India Picture By: The Hindu Garbage In India

Picture By: The Hindu


Helping the women out in this venture is solid and liquid resource management expert from Vellore, C Srinivasan. TOI reported him telling officials: "Instead of taking away the entire waste of the city miles away, there should be some arrangement for it every 2 km or so. This kind of decentralized arrangement not only puts lesser strain on the resources of the civic authorities but can earn them high revenues in due course of time."


Such efforts by locals are the most effective measures and should be encouraged and welcomed everywhere in the country. We hope these women are an inspiration to all Indians and we see more such initiatives in every part of India



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women in Nagpur Women in India Clean India swachh Bharat Abhyaan