
Want to go for a women-only vacation, head to Finland’s SuperShe Island

Poorvi Gupta
New Update
SuperShe Island

Observing that women get distracted around men and focus on them more than themselves, America-based entrepreneur Kristina Roth founded SuperShe Island in Finland. It is a women’s only island resort off the coast of Finland.


She told New York Post that when she was holidaying in Ashram in Calabasas, Calif., and the nearby Ranch Malibu she found, “When there was a cute guy, women would put on lipstick,” about her holiday observations. “The idea is, hey, focus on yourself — don’t try to get your hormones up.”

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This lead her to think of starting women’s only without any distraction for visitors. Roth clarified that she is not a misandristic and loves are mixed gender vacations as well but she also feel the need for a no distraction holiday spot where women can enjoy, rejuvenate and relax without thinking about anything that would make them conscious of themselves.

She found this place a while back when she was in a relationship with a local man. He told her about this beautiful island nearby but she did not find it interesting right away

It is a 8.4-acre patch of land off the coast of Finland, where Roth plans to build the resort. She found this place a while back when she was in a relationship with a local man. He told her about this beautiful island nearby but she did not find it interesting right away.

“His parents own an island on the archipelago, and he kept telling me, the island next door is for sale,” Roth said. “I said, ‘I’m not interested, I just bought a beautiful piece of land in Turks and Caicos'.”


But when she first visited the island, its secluded wooded paradise like place charmed her and she instantly bought it. Roth then thought that this was the perfect place for her women-only destination point idea and started working on it.

“Women need to spend time with other women. Being on vacation with men can be draining and demanding. We want SuperShe Island to be rejuvenating and a safe space where women can reinvent themselves and their desires. A place where you can recalibrate with no distractions,”

The resort will have the capacity of ten guest cabins, a spa, and various adventure activities. It will have daily cooking and fitness courses available, along with yoga and meditation classes. She wants to include all the different kinds of activities that women interest in.

“Women need to spend time with other women. Being on vacation with men can be draining and demanding. We want SuperShe Island to be rejuvenating and a safe space where women can reinvent themselves and their desires. A place where you can recalibrate with no distractions,” stated a press release.

“Our goal is to create a utopia where women can come together to care for themselves through fitness, nutrition, creativity nurturing and more,” Roth said. “The opening of our Finnish island will help us create a physical space that is open throughout the year for ladies to recharge.”

As of now, Roth has only invited her close friends to the resort. However, she plans to open it for public in July.


“I’d like to vet the person and see that they’re well-rounded, and would fit in, but I don’t want to be elitist.” she told the NY Post.

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SuperShe Island Finland women-only resort Christina Roth women-only vacation