
Michelle Nunley Makes Largest Hand Drawn Maze In 3 Months, Sets Record

Posted on November 9, the video got massive response from netizens. The video has around 336.5K reviews and various comments.

Shivangi Thapa
Updated On
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largest hand drawn maze

If you are fascinated by mazes, this video featuring Michelle Nunley from Michigan, USA, is just for you. Guinness World Record shared on their Facebook page, a video of Nunley working on the largest hand-drawn maze. She achieved the record on September 19 after complete the hand drawn maze. The whole maze took a total of three months time to finish.


The hand-drawn maze is 104.64 sq m in area. Drawing it was not an easy task and the video shows the pain staking hard work of Nunley completing the intricately designed masterpiece.

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The caption reads, “Largest Hand-Drawn Maze - Guinness World Records. It took Michelle Nunley (USA) over 3 months to create the world’s largest hand-drawn maze.”

Posted on November 9, the video got massive response from netizens. The video has around 336.5K reviews and various comments.

"This is amazing it needed a lot of effort, focus with tons of patience.......", commented one user. "Too amazing", "what an incredible accomplishment", were some other comments.


Nunley also commented on the post. She wrote, "Thanks everyone!! So one of Guinness’s requirements were that that maze needed to be solved, which I did along the way with a highlighter! I’ll be scanning in and posting the digital maze file with the solved path removed for anyone who wants to try solving;) but I warn you, you’ll need a lot of free time".


Guinness World Record largest hand-drawn maze