
Caught On Cam: Woman Verbally Abuses Cab Driver After Taxi Malfunctions

A video of a woman ruthlessly arguing with her cab driver is going viral on the internet. The woman whose cab ride malfunctioned mid-way is seen accusing the driver and hurling abuse and threats at him.

Rudrani Gupta
New Update
Image Credit: X user @gharkekalesh/NDTV

Image Credit: X user @gharkekalesh/NDTV

A video of a woman ruthlessly arguing with her cab driver is going viral on the internet. The woman whose cab broke down mid-way is seen accusing the driver and hurling abuse and threats at him. Even though the location and time of the incident are unknown, the video was uploaded on X on Wednesday. Since then, the users have been reacting to the video. Some have taken the side of the driver and criticised the woman's behaviour. While others supported the woman although disagreeing with her tone. 


Shared by an X user named Ghar Ke Kalesh, the video was captioned as "Kalesh b/w Lady Passenger and Uber Driver."

In the video, the woman is seen insulting the driver for roaming around with a dysfunctional cab. It all starts with the woman saying that she is not getting another cab. Calling the cab "cheap", "ghatiya" and "do kauri", the woman berates the torn and dismal condition of the cab. When the cab driver tried to defend himself by saying that the cab was the source of his livelihood, the woman rudely said that means of livelihood must be maintained. She even mocks the status of the driver and calls him badtameez.  

The heated argument between the woman and the cab driver

The woman demands a cash refund by saying that it is her money and she will fight even for 50 paise. But the driver said that the cash refund can be provided only by the cab company. To this, the woman hurls threats at the driver by saying that she will complain against him and take legal action. The driver too says that he will complain about her behaviour. 


Enraged by the response of the driver, the woman says that she will hit him with her slippers and also get him beaten by the public for misbehaving with her. Fed up by the woman's behaviour, the cab driver asks her to get out of his cab. But the woman again becomes rude and says that she won't leave the cab and questions the driver's "aukat". 

Reaction of Internet users

The internet users who criticised the woman said that she lacked empathy and respect. 

One of the users said, "Such instances should be taken cognizance by authorities and strict action taken for misbehaving with on duty driver working hard to earn a living but some people misuse  women empowerment laws and bring down ethics of our society." 

Another user said, "Police should note the incident in their records and create a file for these types of people so that in the future, if these types of ladies falsely accuse someone, the accused does not have to go to jail until proven guilty." 

The third user added, "She has crossed the limits very clearly! Her behaviour is not acceptable even if the cab driver might not have maintained the vehicle properly. This isn't the way of treating a fellow human being."


While the users who supported the woman criticised her behaviour and tone of speaking. 

A user said, "She is right as a customer. Language might not be correct but there is no law & order or rules in India .. If cab aggregator is earning money from customers they should be held accountable for passenger safety, security, Good working car and assurance of completing journey." 

Another user said, "I completely agree with the woman's point of view. It's the cab driver's responsibility to ensure the car is well-maintained to avoid any inconvenience for the passenger. However, I don't appreciate her tone."

What do we have to say about the incident

It is indeed a critical incident to comment on. While the woman's irritation due to improper service of the cab is inevitable, her behaviour, lack of empathy and respect for the driver is not acceptable. 

For situations like these, cab companies include the feature of rating and complaining for both drivers and customers. The companies do not assume that only customers require a good-rated driver. Rather, they respect the dignity of the drivers too so that they don't have to deal with improper customers.


No matter how right the intentions of the woman might be, abusing, berating and misusing her gender were not a solution to the problem she was facing. She shouldn't have misused her status of being a customer and a woman to threaten the driver. This will make people lose trust in women who actually need support, safety and laws

On the other hand, the cab driver must have been careful before providing his service. Running behind money without management and maintenance will not give the desired result. However, it is commendable that the driver didn't lose his calm or abused the woman back. 

No matter how outdated this saying is, it is the best way to maintain peace in the society

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."- Mahatma Gandhi

Views expressed are the author's own.

cab driver misusing women empowement