
Why every woman needs to support Soni Sori by Sakshi Sirari

New Update
Women in India: The Soni Sori Case

She is the true superwoman. The cause of the battle that she has been fighting for the past 6 years now is another story, we all need to stand up wherever we are and pay our respects for the courage that this minikin woman carries in her bosom.



Pic Credit: kractivist 

Soni Sori has spent her life serving the community. A teacher by profession, she recently turned to politics and tribal activism after her arrest as an alleged Maoist in 2009. She was in police custody as a  for charges of acting as a conduit of transactions between Essar Group and the Maoists. She was treated in the most diabolical of ways, even before she could be presented before the judicial authorities. They stripped her naked, shoved stones in her anus and vagina and said the most nasty things that anyone imagine being said to a woman.

Again on February 20 this year, she was acid attacked, where burnt grease was thrown on her face, charring much of it, and temporarily blinding her. In response, the police has offered to giver her Y security. But Soni, being the person she is, refused. She said, "Adivasis of Bastar must be protected first”. (IndianExpress)

Grease attack soni sori

People always presume women's political passivity. Back home in Lucknow, where politics is popular meal-time conversation, I am usually asked to shut up by my male friends even before I  have made my argument. Not that it doesn't exist is the big cities.  When I voice my political opinions here, I can see the visibly evident surprise on the faces of my male companions. And when a woman classless and casteless, takes to activism as her means, this is the example India gets.


People always presume women's political passivity

When a woman fights a war, most of her scars are not visible. Most of her fights are unnoticed and sobs unheard. Guilty or not, Soni Sori is a woman with a resolve so strong, that it stands in way of the structure that constructs masculinities and femininities. This is the very reason every woman in this country must rise and support this teacher from a small government school in Bastar, Chhattisgarh.The failure of her cause would be the darkest blotch on the delicate character of constructed womanhood.



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