
What makes women better bosses?

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What makes women better bosses?


 Various studies reveal that when it comes to small businesses, there are more women entrepreneurs than men. (One reason being more women owned businesses survived recession due to their adaptability.) Recently a survey conducted by Chris Bart, professor at McMaster University, and Gregory McQueen, senior executive associate dean at Still University’s School of Osteopathic Medicine; revealed that women’s business performance has been better than men’s in the past.


Another study conducted by Zeneger Folkman, last year, analyzed 7,280 of their clients' performance evaluations. They found that out of 16 attributes, women rated higher than men on 12. They outscored men by huge margin in two traits especially- taking initiative and driving results.


So apart from these two, what are the other reasons behind women being better bosses or leaders than men?




As employees and customers like to be heard and understood, it is critical for people at higher positions to be good listeners. Many studies have established that women are more discussion oriented and are better listeners- both of these are extremely important to build client and employee loyalty.



‘The Fall of the Alphas’ author, Dana Ardi, explains in her book that the current working scenario appreciates a more collaborative leader than a dominating authoritarian. Since women are more of ‘beta managers’ and lead in a more cooperating manner, they are, and will continue to be more appreciated than the male leaders.



Notes to women>


According to Bart and McQueen, women entrepreneurs “…acknowledge and consider the rights of others in the pursuit of fairness … that is consistently applied in a non-arbitrary fashion.” This too, is a very important trait that helps business in the long run. It helps build a loyal customer base and motivates subordinates to work in an ethical fashion as well.



A study by My Hermes proved that more women than men are willing to wait longer for their desired result. Being patient with employees, not jumping to conclusion without fully assessing the situation, etc. are highly important. Decisions that are taken with not much thought can often prove to be disastrous.




Since passion builds loyalty, it’s very vital to get customers and employees passionate about the company and the product. Jay Forte, author of ‘Fire Up! Your Employees and Smoke Your Competition’, believes, women are “more astute about knowing how to activate passion in their employees. They watch the 43 muscles in your face and see how your emotions change.”


ORIGINAL SOURCE: American Express

Women in Leadership women better bosses than men women bosses