
What Indian Men Look for on Tinder And What Women Have To Say

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Tinder India

A survey released on Valentine's day, (co-incidence? I think not) revealed just exactly what is it that Indian men look for in a woman on Tinder, the dating app.


First let us summarise what desired qualities do women look for: 

Tinder India data Graphics by Quartz

What men look for:

Tinder India data Graphics by Quartz

A clear distinction of interests, it seems...and no wonder this also could be the reason for conflict of interest, wherever it applies, eventually.

Further data also reveals: 


- 30.2% Indian men and 30.8% Indian women agree on casual and low-key first date

- 30.2 % Indian men and 30.8% women ready to learn something new together

- 32.6% women prefer to wine and dine on their first date

We're talking about an online dating app which helps the users decide, based on a photograph that pops-up, and a description which is mostly blindsided, if you'd like to meet them. It's a dating app, and the first thing it asks is for you to put up a picture! It's like a tacit understanding that dating app users comply with. Not to get me wrong that we should comply to beauty standards and portray ourselves in a certain way, but every individual has their own priorities. I think why women go for personality (which I assume they guess by the description in the profile) than just photos is also because they are cautious and want to stay clear of creeps online.

Tanushree Verma, 31 year old advertising professional in Mumbai tells SheThePeople.TV, "Tinder has a one track mind. One can't possibly look for more than looks on Tinder because of how an app has been built. And since men aren't as abundantly good-looking as women are, women have no choice but to settle for humour."

Niharika Das, 24 year old, from Chennai, says, "Yes, it is true that women find it a turn off when men just judge them by their looks. And that's a warning to all men out there! I think men sign in just to go out on a date and to have sex with random girls, while women are visual and will give it a shot if you're worth it."


Feature Image Credit: Indian Express

Dating Apps India research Survey men and women Internet dating . Tinder