
Watch out for the #SheCanCoach Campaign

New Update

The Coaches Association of Ontario is launching #SheCanCoach Campaign on 1st February 2018. It's an awareness campaign that tackles the idea that women can't or shouldn't be coaches.  This year is definitely taking forward the legacy of the previous one. It  surely is, by talking about various women-oriented issues. Digital space has been used by women to raise their voice on various topics. Starting from the #Metoo wave, to see women discussing such issues definitely is a positive sign.


#SheCanCoach campaign is a part of the larger Changing the Game – Changing the Conversation program.

This program was launched last March and aims to break the barriers that keep women from becoming coaches. Susan Kitchen, the executive director of the CAO said to CBC News, “Women often don't think they have enough experience or knowledge about sports to become a coach, even though the benefits of having women in coaching positions are numerous. When there's both men and women on the coaching roster, a sport is just that much better. There's just a more organized approach, there's a balance. I think there are adequate role models to keep girls and boys involved in a sport."

While the campaign is yet to be launched formally, it has been doing the rounds of the digital space. A lot of tweets with #SheCanCoach is surfacing online. This is significant as people have begun to realise the potential of women as well as the power of hashtags. The digital space is making women empowered in a lot many ways. Chelsea Spencer, a soccer coach told CBC News that she is hopeful about the future of women in coaching, and the impact the program can have.


"There's this really strong energy that happens between females when they support one another. It empowers me as a coach. It's really building a foundation for a stronger, different style of coaching being brought to the table," says Spencer.

Having such conversations help people delve deeper into things that have been normalized.


While many might look at it as nominal, let’s prefer to call it phenomenal. The normal way of life has been looked at from different angles and depths which is very important to growth. #SheCanCoach is one of the ways where the existing normal world is questioned and equally spread for people to think. Such conversations need to begin in a lot of countries.

In a country like India, where sports were synonymous with men until recently, having women coach will drastically change the picture. Having women in the coaching seat will definitely be inspirational to young girls. What do you all think? Time to begin the #IndianWomenCanCoachToo Campaign? Let us know!

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Reshma is an intern with SheThePeople.TV

#SheCanCoach #breakingstereotypes The Coaches Association of Ontario