
Trump, Trudeau Discuss Women In The Workforce

US President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau have launched the Canada-US Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders.

Tara Khandelwal
New Update
Trump and Trudeau discuss women in workplace

Yesterday, US President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met to discuss women in the workplace. They launched the Canada-US Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders.


The two leaders hosted a round table of female entrepreneurs to launch the new initiative.

"We need policies that will keep women in the workforce and to address the unique barriers faced by female entrepreneurs," said Donald Trump at the event. "We need to make it easier for women to manage the demands of having a job and a family.'

"Whenever I sit down with a woman executive, I know that she has had to overcome significant barriers that exist, and therefore is likely to have greater insight into how to help reduce those barriers for others, but also be a formidable contributor to the success of business and her economy," said Trudeau.

Trump’s cabinet has a disproportionate number of white males, and has only four women in the 22 positions that have been picked so far. In contrast, Trudeau’s cabinet has 15 men and 15 women, a first in Canadian history.

The women entrepreneurs included Julie Sweet, CEO of Accenture in North America, Linda Hasenfratz, CEO of Linamar Corporation, Tina Lee, CEO of T&T Supermarket, among many others.


Trump's daughter Ivanka was at the event, and also helped set the agenda of the meeting, and even invited many of the entrepreneurs.

Ivanka’s involvement with White House policy comes right after the controversy about her brand being dropped from major retail stores. After retail store Nordstrom dropped her brand, Donald Trump publicly tweeted about how unhappy he was about this decision.

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Donald Trump women entrepreneurs women in the workplace roundtable Ivanka Trump Justin Trudeau