
Trump Says His Access Hollywood Tape Is Fake

Tara Khandelwal
New Update
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We all know the famous video in which Donald Trump, along with Access Hollywood host Billy Bush, spoke about how you can do anything you want with women if you are a star. Well, the US President has now suggested that the tape is fake and Access Hollywood host Natalie Morales has gone out of her way to rebuke him.


“Let us make this perfectly clear: The tape is very real,” said Morales during Monday’s broadcast. “Remember his excuse at the time was ‘locker room talk’. He said every one of those words."

Hours after the tape was released, Trump had admitted that the tape was genuine, and dismissed its contents as locker room talk. Now he is reneging on his apology and saying that the tape is fake. The New York Times reported that Trump had asked whether the tape had been doctored

“I said it, I was wrong and I apologize,” Trump had said at the time.

Adrianne Zucker, the actress he claimed that he was hoping to kiss, also spoke about how he could apologise for something and then renege on it. She said that the tape cannot be fake unless someone was planting words in his mouth. “I would hope that someone in a high position would teach us respect, honour and trust, and not to go back on their word,” she said.

Sexual Allegation charges against America’s President:

At least 16 women have accused Trump of sexual harassment or assault. Former Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos has filed a defamation suit against Trump for claiming that she and other women who accused him were liars who only wanted attention.


He has also defended Republican Alabama senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been accused of sexual misconduct with teenage girls.

Now he is saying he is very happy that women are coming forward following the allegations against Hollywood giant Harvey Weinstein.

Also Read: Slain US Soldier’s Wife Speaks About Phone Call With Trump

tape Access Hollywood Trump