
The Women's March Around The World: How Many And Where?

President Trump’s first full day in office was met with protests around the world. SheThePeople takes stock.

Tara Khandelwal
New Update
Women's March

President Trump’s first full day in office was met with protests around the world. According to crowd scientists, the crowd that had gathered for the women’s march in Washington was around three times the size of the gathering for Trump’s inauguration.


According to professors Jeremy Pressman and Erica Chenoweth, who have been compiling estimates for all the marches into a spreadsheet, the number of people who attended women’s marches in America itself could have been at least 3.7 million. That is one out of every 10 Americans!

Here’s a look at the highlights of the march and the crowd that had assembled for it in locations around America and the world.


There were about 470,000 people who had assembled for the women’s march just in Washington itself, and was one of the biggest demonstrations in the capital’s history.

Women’s rights activists such as Gloria Steinem, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards and America Ferrera gave speeches at the rally.



The crowd reached as many as 250,000 and the organisers even had to cancel the actual march portion of the rally. That didn’t stop people who went out on the streets anyway.

New York

It was estimated that over 400,000 people passed by Trump Tower on 5th Avenue.


Around 170,000 people also gathered on Boston Commons.


Los Angeles

The LAPD estimates that around 500,000 people protested in the city, the highest turnout for a protest in ten years.

Outside the US

There were more than 600 marches planned across the world.



Estimates said that around 100,000 women marched in London.


There were 30 marches in Canada itself.

Tel Aviv, Israel

Sydney, Australia

In Sydney, as many as 5,000 people marched, carrying banners that said ‘Girl Power” vs “Trump Tower” and “Dump the Trump”.

Wellington, New Zealand

700 people marched here. Marches also took place in other cities such as Auckland, and Dunedin.


There were marches in  around 20 cities here.

The women’s march even reached Antarctica!

and Nairobi

The marches on the 21st of March showed how people from around the world can stand together in solidarity.


On Jan 21, Indians took to the streets of around 30 cities, protesting under #IWillGoOut, in an effort to reclaim public spaces for women.

Also Read: Women’s March: Why have we made India so unsafe asks Meghna Pant

women's march around the world President Trump