
The mothers who make the news and daughters who follow suit

As mothers day is around the corner, here is a list of some highly successful and driven mothers with their confident and competent daughters.

Ria Das
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Some daughters follow in their illustrious mother's footsteps, and others travel a different path. But no matter where life takes them, the special mother-daughter bond always is something to fall back on when times are hard. Through the journey of life, moms and daughters become a support system for each other, and more often than not they cannot do without each other for advice, help and even a heart-to-heart chat.


Moms Meaning Business Moms Meaning Business

As mothers day is just around the corner, we list some gritty and successful mothers, with their confident and competent daughters. Woman power this!

Chanda and Aarti Kochhar

Chanda and Aarti Kochchar Confident daughter of a successful mother: Aarti Kochchar with Chanda Kohchar ( Picture Credit:

Chanda Kochchar has been at the helm of affairs at ICICI since 2009, but she is also known to be a mother who has always managed to make time for her daughter Aarti at the crucial junctures. After studying engineering, Aarti went on to make a career for herself in the US at a renowned consulting firm. She is extremely proud of her mother's many achievements, some of which include receiving the Padma Bhushan, and being on the list of Forbes' most powerful businesswomen in Asia. Likewise, Chanda is a mother content in the knowledge that her daughter is successful in her own right.

Yamini Mazumdar and Kiran Mazumdar Shaw


Kiran Mazumdar Shaw and mother Yamini True entrepreneurial spirit: Kiran Mazumdar Shaw with mother Yamini ( Picture Credit:

Founder and Chairperson of Bangalore-based biotechnology firm Biocon, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw is an inspiration for many aspring women entrepreneurs. And her inpiration and role model is Yamini Mazumdar, who at 84 years of age, runs her own business of cultivation of exotic vegetables. A mother daughter duo that embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship for sure!

Neera and Pooja Chopra

Pooja and Neera Chopra Learning to take a stand: Pooja Chopra with mother Neera Chopra ( Picture Credit:

When Pooja Chopra was crowned Miss India World in 2009, she dedicated her win to the one person who was responsible for her survival, her mother Neera Chopra. In an abusive marriage for many years, the last straw for Neera was when her husband wanted to abort their girl child. She walked out of the marriage, and raised Pooja to be the confident woman she is. Truly an inspiring story this!

Zia and Anjali Mody


Zia Mody and her daughters Zia Mody with her daughters Anjali, Arti and Aditi ( Picture Credit: thefreepressjournal)

Zia Mody is one of the topmost corporate lawyers in the country, but when the time came for daughter Anjali to choose a career path, she opted for a Fine Arts Degree from the Rhode Island School of Design, and then set up her own furniture design studio called Josmo. What they share in common though is passion for their work, and the desire to excel. Moreover, they are a great support system for each other. And maybe that's the best kind of mother-daughter relationship.

Sushmita Sen and her daughters Renee and Alisha Sen

Sushmita Sen with Renee and Alisah The joy of single motherhood: Sushmita Sen with daughters Renee and Alisah (Picture Credit: Twitter)

At just 25 years of age, Miss Universe and popular actress Sushmita Sen adopted two baby girls-Renee in 2000 and then Alisah in 2010 as a single mother, going against social norm. In the process of bringing up her two bundles of joy, Sush  has become a role model for all single moms. Their public appearances are always widely photographed and create a buzz. No doubt, her girls will turn into young ladies with a lot of the spunk and confidence of their mother!

Aparna Sen and Konkona Sen Sharma


Aparna Sen and Konkona Sen Chasing cinematic excellence: Aparna And Konkona Sen ( Picture Credit:

While mom Aparna is a talented filmmaker, daughter Konkona is a powerhouse performer. The two have teamed up for a number of films, which has yielded some great work on celluloid. Both share a love for cinema and meaningful films, and both the bengali ladies are strong willed and have strong opinions, which they never hesitate to share. This mother daughter duo is truly an emancipated one!

Usha Rani Nehwal and Saina Nehwal

Saina Nahwal and Usha Rani The ace player and her support system: Saina Nehwal with mother Usha( Picture Credit: Hindustan times)

Ace badminton player Saina Nehwal's backbone is her mother Usha which is why she dedicates her victories to her mom. Usha keeps her daughter motivated, and brings her out of her low phases, egging her on to achieve new heights. With mothers like Usha, it's little wonder that daughters like Saina excel at what they do.

Geetanjali and Manasi Kirloskar

Geetanjali and Manasi Kirloskar Expanding the family business: Geetanjali and Manasi Kirloskar ( Picture Credit:

While the mother took it upon herslelf to diversify and expand the family Kirloskar business, the daughter is currently spending her hours training in the office, all ready to shoulder her part of the responsibilty. Even though Manasi has a degree from the Rhode Island school of design, she always assisted Geetanjali in business, knowing that she would have to fill in her shoes someday. Hardworking and resourceful, these two women together at the helm of affairs are sure to take their business to new heights!

Mallika and Anahita Sarabhai

Mallika, Mrinalini and Anahita Sarabhai We are family: Mallika, Mrinalini and Anahita Sarabhai ( Picture Credit:

Daughter of illustrious dancer Mrinalini Sarabhai, Mallika Sarabhai wears many hats-that of classical dancer, choreographer, actress and activist. And in the midst of all these roles, she manages to be a dedicated and caring mother as well. Daughter Anahita Sarabhai has inherited the confidence and leadership qualities of her mother, as became obvious when at 19 she took on the responsibility of  managing Mallika's election campaign in 2009. Never afraid to speak their minds, these two definitely are a couple of firebrands.

Tanuja and Kajol

Tanuja and Kajol Talented powerhouse performers: Tanuja and Kajol ( Picture Credit:

While Tanuja managed to make her mark in Bollywood in the 60s and 70s, daughter Kajol did the same in the 90s, with a string of blockbuster hits. Known for their acting chops as well as for their frank and forthright views on a lot of subjects, this mother-daughter combination is a talented and deadly one for sure!

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sushmita sen Geetanjali Kirloskar Kiran Mazumdar Shaw Saina Nahawal Kajol Konkona Sen Pooja Chopra zia mody Chanda Kochchar Aparna Sen Mallika Sarabhai