The suffering of menopausal women is huge and the treatments for the various symptoms of menopause are still under improvement. A common treatment of menopausal symptoms is testosterone replacement therapy which aims at regulating a woman's body functions by regulating the lowering level of testosterone. However, the method is not easy to implement because of the lack of options and forms in which they are available.
Hormonal imbalance and low hormonal production contribute significantly to menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, low sex drive, headaches, lack of focus etc. Treatments to provide relief from these symptoms aim to regulate hormonal production like that of estrogen and progesterone. Another important hormone that plays a key role in menopause is testosterone.
Though scientists are still divided on whether testosterone replacement therapies are actually effective in menopause or not, a study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends testosterone supplements, alone or with estrogen, to improve libido, concentration, energy levels and cognitive performance in menopausal women which eventually elevates the well-being of women. However, despite the wide use of HRT in menopause, the supplements products for it are limited for women and are only available in gel or creams which are not easy to use.
Testosterone Patch For Menopausal Women
Medherant, a British pharmaceutical firm, is currently working on testosterone patches for women as an HRT treatment. The firm realised the lack of testosterone supplements for menopause and the inconvenience of gels and creams that often rub off and that's how this idea came into existence. The firm has been developing the patch and will soon be sending it for a clinical trial. If approved, this will be the world's first testosterone patch for women suffering from menopause.
A study published by Harvard Health Publishing also described how low libido in pre-menopausal women is caused by changing hormone levels, specifically testosterone. Lower sex drive can cause women to have painful sex, find it difficult to orgasm or feel pleasurable or even have an interest in doing it. This testosterone patch for women will help in improving sex drive in women during and after menopause. Women around the age of 50 are assumed to focus more on things other than sexual desires. Society often considers it strange when a woman over 50 discusses sex, which is why women tend to ignore it too.
They ignore lower sex drive as just a side effect of ageing and don't consider improving it because they think it's not important as it is not their age to be sexually active. However, women should understand that it is completely normal to be sexually active at any age and it is good to think about your own pleasure. If you feel like menopause is lowering your sex drive or making it difficult to have sex, it is better to take medical help to improve it. Sex is not taboo and pleasure for women is equally important as anything in life at any age.
The testosterone patch by Medherant is expected to go for clinical trials this year. It works by sticking to the skin to deliver hormones; women only need to change it twice a week. A point to be considered is that the patch can take months to be approved; even after being approved, it will take time for the product to be accepted in the market. However, this patch will surely be a revolutionary step in menopausal health and treatments are approved and widely accepted.
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