
Sona Mohapatra Slams IIT-Bombay For Being 'Sexist'

Popular singer Sona Mohapatra posted on social media how IIT-Bombay, which had invited her to perform at its Mood-Indigo festival, later asked her to get a ‘MAN’ along with her to perform on their stage!

Ria Das
New Update
Sona Mohapatra on Raj Kundra, Sona Mohapatra Statement, Paris Sona Mohapatra, Sona Mohapatra husband.

Gender equality – must have heard this term repeatedly over the last few years, isn’t it? Many think that India achieved equality long back and women just tend to overreact. Well, if you see some cases like what recently popular singer Sona Mohapatra had encountered, you’d probably change your opinion.


The singer’s Facebook post in which she slammed Indian Institute of Bombay’s annual festival Mood-Indigo of being sexist has gone viral on social media. Apparently, the institute had asked her to get a ‘MAN’ along with her to perform on their stage. She used the term ‘cesspool of mediocrity'.

Read her full post here:

Sona MahapatraSona Mahapatra1Sona Mahapatra2Sona Mahapatra3Sona Mahapatra4Sona Mahapatra5

In her post, Sona Mohapatra highlighted the most disgusting matter I’ve ever heard in my life. She was invited by IIT-B to perform at the festival, but turns out, they refused to pay her the same money that it would offer to a male performer and even disrespected her. She immediately called out the organisers on their sexism and social media lost it.

Also Read: Madonna Tells it Like It Is: Slams Sexism, Ageism

The institute would not have solo woman performers as their headliners – what a ridiculous perception!


However, IIT-Bombay has denied the allegations and said that her fees was too much to bear. "Sona Mohapatra was approached for a performance. However, the figure quoted by the singer was not in the budget, so the deal did not go ahead from there. IIT-B cannot be a place of gender discrimination. We have the highest number of female faculty members, and many women are pursuing different degrees in technical fields here," IIT-B claimed, as reported by

This is not the first time the singer was making headlines for expressing her opinion on social media. Not long back, she had angered superstar Salman Khan's fans (and we can imagine the language used there!!) for slamming the actor’s comments on rape. “Women thrashed, people run over, wildlife massacred & yet hero of the nation. ‘Unfair’. India full of such supporters,” Sona had tweeted at that point of time.

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And, in turn, if you’re under the impression that division across gender only exists among the uneducated, you must be mistaken. It’s quite surprising to know that institutes like IIT would encourage such blatant sexism. Hats off to Sona Mohapatra for this bold move!


Dear Misogynist, if you haven’t learnt it yet, we simply pity you.

Feature Image Credit: The Indian Express

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Sona Mohapatra facebook post #misogyny male performer Singer solo performance refused pay money Mood Indigo festival Sexist lashed out IIT-B Mumbai news Patriarchy