
SheThePeople Spotlight On Africa's Entrepreneurs, Meet Phumeza Mzaidume

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Phumeza Mzaidume

Phumeza Langa is a South African freelance writer, communications consultant, a lover of road trips, sunshine and fun fitness. She has experience working in public relations agencies, on various clients in the areas of technology, finance and corporate social investment.


I love seeing people, especially women, pursuing their passions in the way that they have chosen for themselves and living with courage as they challenge the status quo - Phumeza Mzaidume

Why do you believe in championing women?

I believe it is so important to support each other and to champion other women because we do not see enough of it amongst our social circles and amongst a lot of women who may have public profiles. We need genuine support where we share information, we collaborate more and also cheer each other on! It takes nothing away from me to do all of that. I believe it only encourages other women to do likewise, wholeheartedly, expecting nothing in return. I am fortunate and blessed to have over time, built a strong and inspiring circle of women who are incredible in many ways.

We need to show the younger generation what it is to be a supportive network of strong women. It is one thing to speak about empowerment and then you do the opposite of that. It is crucial that we live what we speak about. It is not about doing this on a large scale and we don’t have to look too far – look at the women closest to you, support them, get to know them, encourage them to pursue their dreams, make those introductions that can help one women grow her business and you can all build that network.

Women Entrepreneurs in Africa Women Entrepreneurs in Africa

The conversation amongst women needs to change. It is largely negative, judgemental and fake – and it is important to change that tone and shift it into a more positive and healthy space. We can all benefit from more positivity!


·       How has the journey been so far?

It has been quite interesting and truly inspirational. The challenging part has been being able to handle the naysayers / the detractors, some were women, who do not believe in supporting other women growth and progress. As difficult as that is to witness, it does not stop me from continuing on my journey, knowing that one day, even they will be the recipient of a word of encouragement or even a boost for their business that will change their attitudes – maybe not in that very moment but in time and they will “pay it forward”. In South Africa we say “Umuntu, ngumuntu, ngabantu” which translated means “a person is a person because of people” – the spirit of ubuntu, of being kind to one another. It is so true! We cannot live in isolation and we cannot be cruel to each other either – because there is what we call Karma.

·       What would you pick as your key milestones?

Realising through a conversation with a good friend this year that I’m doing what I truly love, although it isn’t my fulltime job, it’s something that has the potential to be – writing is my happy place – and I am consciously making an effort to take it further and using it in a positive way to touch people’s lives. When I was given the opportunity to discover my love for writing, I had no “formal training” in writing after I finished high school and through quite a bit of coaching / mentoring, I had my first byline in 2003. 2016 has been an interesting and amazing year for my writing, I have met really inspiring people and through those interactions and feedback received, I have realised there’s a lot more that I can do and will be doing.

·       Feminism to you is...

Independence; freedom of choice; freedom of expression with no judgement and knowing being an empowered, strong woman is not a bad thing.


·       What do you believe is common to women of emerging countries?

The women in emerging countries have so much chutzpah (a Hebrew word, loosely translated, as having “audacity”). Their resilience, tenacity and courage – to rise up, no matter what and to continue pushing / working / fighting to have their place in the world, where they are heard and their opinions and thoughts are acknowledged.

·       What would be your advice be to your younger self?

Be bold and unafraid. Trust your instincts and speak up – let your voice be heard. There is nothing more painful than wanting to have your voice heard but you’re scared and therefore you keep silent – that’s partly how I found my voice in writing. Even as an adult, there are moments I remind myself to speak up. I would tell my younger self to have courage and believe in herself and her dreams – and work towards them even when people don’t understand what that vision is. I would remind her of how amazing she is, yes those moments of self-doubt will come but she must not pay them too much attention – she is on the right path, her path and it will all work out as it should.

·       Which feminist books would you recommend one must read?

“Women who run with the Wolves” – Clarissa Pinkola Estes; “Lean In” – Sheryl Sandberg and “Americanah” - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.


women entrepreneurs of africa she leads africa women achievers south africa Phumeza Mzaidume