
Sheryl Sandberg Asks Companies To Pay Women Well

Charvi Kathuria
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A month after BBC revealed the pay of its journalists, Facebook Inc Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg urged governments and companies to accelerate their efforts to bridge the gender gap. She also opined that children, despite their gender, should be encouraged to become leaders since childhood.


She tells BBC,

"We need to start paying women well and we need the public policy and the corporate policy to get there."

"But certainly women applying for jobs at the same rate as men, women running for office at the same rate as men, that's got to be part of the answer."

She further added that women undervalued the contribution they could make in business.

Read Also: Family Leave Is Important, Says Sheryl Sandberg

Exposing the hypocrisy we expose young children to, Sheryl asserts, "We start telling little girls not to lead at very young ages and we start telling little boys to lead at a very young ages, and that's a mistake".


"I believe everyone has inside them the ability to lead and we should let people choose that, not based on gender but on who they are and who they want to be."

Sheryl is one of the most influential Silicon Valley executives and author of the 2013 book "Lean In". She recently launched her new book 'Option B: Facing adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy' that motivates grieving people to rebuild their lives again.

She has always been vocal about her opinions revolving around gender equality. At the World Economic Forum held this year, she said that gender stereotypes in ads must be eliminated.

In February this year, she announced that Facebook employees will now be getting 6 weeks’ paid family leave apart from the 4-month paid leave available to moms and dads.

We hope that companies and organisations across the world pay heed to Sheryl's advice and contribute significantly in making the world a more egalitarian one.

Read Also: Men Rule The World, Says Sheryl Sandberg: Bizwomen Give Their Take

Facebook Women in Leadership Equal Pay Women Empowerment Sheryl Sandberg