
Seven Online Tools for Women Safety in India

Bhavna Agarwal
New Update
Seven Online Tools for Women Safety in India

Incidences of rape have increased over the years. Nirbhaya’s case triggered the long stalled question of women safety in our country. Since then, several apps have been launched to ensure women personal safety. With increase in mobile penetration, various tools have been designed to ensure women feels safe. Here's a quick list of some compiled by Bhavnaa Agarwal.



Seven apps, which help improve women safety in India:


Pukaar : Sense Danger? App allows you to Click the SOS button to send an SMS alert to the pre registered emergency contacts and the local police. It will also provide real time location details to the local police.


Himmat: Users can make an emergency call to the police control room when in distress. The power button when pressed will allow a 30 second video and audio recording. It will also send a SMS alert to five registered users.



iGoSafely:  A personal security alarm that sends emergency alert when you unplug your headphones. With headphone activation feature iGoSafely also tracks and sends SMS and email alerts with location details until disarmed through a code.


 Hawk Eye: In case you feel insecure while travelling, Hawk Eye has ‘women travel made safe’ feature, which allows the women to click photograph or video of the vehicle she boards. It also allows her to send the vehicles number notification to the police who can use these details to track her in case of emergency apart from sending SMS alerts.


Safetipin: Guardian to your safety, this app not only sends GPS and SMS alerts to the emergency contacts but also invites you to record and report places, or activities to help audit safety score. Stressed while moving to a new location, this safety score feature will help you compare safety quotient by comparing different places based on reports and data available.



Raksha - Women Safety Alert:  Raksha app will alert your emergency contacts when you press any button, it also allows you to ask for your contacts location details. It also ensures that an SMS is send when app is switched off by simply pressing the volume button for 3 seconds.


 Smartshehar Woman Safety protection: With this app, the user can send a picture along with the location by hitting the emergency button. The app will ensure that the message reaches your emergency contact even if you lose your phone before sending. Its ‘Walk With Me” will help track real time movement in case of emergency.


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Online tools mobile apps personal safety app women safety in India