
Serena Williams Talks About Sexism

Ria Das
New Update
Serena Williams Talks About Sexism

'If I were a man, I'd have been one of the greatest athletes ever, 6-7 years ago'— said Serena Williams, the one woman in sports who doesn’t fear speak of her mind openly. She was interviewed by ESPN recently, and as expected there were some revelations from Williams about sexism and how she as a woman in sports makes all the difference.


'Like six, seven or eight years ago. Any kind of man. White, black, it doesn't matter. If I were a man, it would have been a different conversation a long time ago. I think being a woman is a whole new set of problems from society that you have to deal with,’ Serena said.

Williams carefreely illustrated the things that are wrong in the industry and how she could have become one of the greatest athletes of all time if she were a man.

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Williams is successful in all terms. But is it also true that women in general put up three times hardwork compared to men? She thinks, “If I was playing the no.1 player and I was like 'Yeah, I think I can be the best, I think can be better than her', they were like 'She's so rude, she's so disrespectful.' I never meant anything disrespectful. My dad always taught me, if you want to do something, you write it down, you believe it, you study it, and then you believe that it's going to happen. So I believed that I was going to be no.1. I believed that I could be better than who was no.1 at that point.

When asked about her body image, Serena, “There was a time when I didn't feel incredibly comfortable about my body because I felt like I was too strong. But then I had to take a second and think 'Well who says I'm too strong?' This body has enabled me to be the greatest player I can be. This is great. Now my body is in style, so I'm feeling good about it.”


Earlier Williams’ special Instagram post, an open letter to women --  feminist message to all women who once faced many hurdles, went viral.

Serena Williams

“What others marked as flaws or disadvantages—my race, my gender—I embraced as fuel for my success.”

Also Read: ‘Da Da Ding’ and get sporty: Nike tells Indian women

Hats off to Serena for her bold moves and talking about issues that most of the time go unheard.

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