
Self-Defence 101: Basic Survival Skills

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I don't know if you've ever pictured yourself in one of those spy, secret agent movies, doing cool moves, and running around kicking doors open? Bear with me, I know we're not all super-spy material, and even the videos come with a asterisk that says "please do not try this at home". But knowing a few basic self-defence tricks is always going to prove helpful. If a situation arises where you find yourself in trouble, all alone, and it seems like waiting for help to arrive might be too late... well, we recommend you take a self-defence training course to be prepared. Meanwhile, we asked the experts to unpack a few helpful tricks and moves:



Use everyday objects

The most basic self-defence act you can think of in any situation: Use whatever you have around as a weapon. Holding your key between your middle and ring finger is a trick that you can use every time you are walking on the streets alone. Carrying a pepper spray with you can also be another option. If you're outside, using sand or dirt will buy you time to find an escape route. Use whatever comes in handy, is the most basic defence tactic anyone could use.

The most basic self-defence act you can think of in any situation: Use whatever you have around as a weapon.

Use your Body Weight


This is a helpful tactic. Often people don't realise that just punching or kicking aimlessly will not help the purpose, but using the full force of your body is something that has the chances of knocking out another person.

Go for the Groin

If you're first reaction to reading that was 'ouch', our purpose here is fulfilled! Knowing the weak spots of your assaulter will always come to your benefit. Go for these points with as much force and aggression as you can.

Self-defence tips Weak points of your assaulter. PC: Lifehacker


Ishita Sharma, actress and founder of Aamad - Performing Arts and Wellness, runs the #MukkaMaar initiative along with Alexander Fernandes -- which provides under-privileged girls in Mumbai free martial arts and self defence training. Here are some of her tips:


Ishita and Alexander, Initiators of the #MukkaMaar Campaign Ishita and Alexander, Initiators of the #MukkaMaar Campaign

Grab the little finger

The little finger is the weakest of all fingers, and that is why becomes a weak point for anyone who grabs or gets hold of you.

"Grab the other person's little finger to loosen the molester's hold."

Practise the Winding Technique

It is a Kung Fu technique, which is basically a twisting technique. Instead of pushing and pulling when someone has got hold of your wrist, you twist and jerk your wrist away.


Go with the Motion

If anyone is holding you from behind, or pulling you by the wrist, do not resist that motion. Resisting will only make it even more difficult to get out of the hold. So instead, go with the motion of the assaulter and push him to your advantage.

Ishita and Alexander, Initiators of the #MukkaMaar Campaign Ishita and Alexander, Initiators of the #MukkaMaar Campaign

Another great tip for anyone who is being held down by an assaulter, is to curve your knees and push the weight off you from your pelvis. Practise meditation to keep your mind alert. Ishita and Alexander say that knowing all techniques is not important, but knowing and practising one technique that works best for you is what is important.

"Developing the body is very important. Exercising, being alert, practicing meditation are a few things that should be taken care of."

Please do prioritise your own safety and remember these are tips -- not a substitute for actual, physical training! 

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