
RK Pachauri kissed my face says another TERI staffer

STP Team
New Update
Pachauri Digs His Heels In

The RK Pachauri sexual harassment case just took another turn with one more TERI staffer saying she was kissed by the institution's executive vice chairman.


The woman, to whom he had made sexual advances more than 10 years ago, also slammed TERI for appointing Pachauri to a higher position, Executive Vice Chairman, two days ago.

Also Read: Why Is Pachauri Still At TERI?

Giving details of the case, her lawyer said that they had first reported the complaint in February last year with police which did not do anything till date forcing her to come out in public with the charges.

The woman said she decided to go public with her allegations after the "outrageous move by Teri board" to reward him with "a new and higher position".

Pachauri Digs His Heels In Pachauri Digs His Heels In

Her statement was put in a release issued on her behalf by advocates Vrinda Grover and Ratna Appnender.  She alleged Pachauri made "verbal and physical advances" at her during her one-year stint with the organisation in 2003. "India's pathetic record on crime against women has touched an abyss. R K Pachauri, a serial sexual harasser, who should have been punished by now, has actually been rewarded with a new and higher position," she said in her statement.


"I worked there for over a year... My job description required me to interact with him in person on occasions. He would often telephone me himself or have his secretary call me," she alleged.

“On another occasion when I was in his office room because he had asked me to see him, he completely, against my wishes, forcibly held and kissed me on my face just as I was leaving the room. I was shocked and very upset and left his office immediately,” the complainant said.

Pachauri is already facing a case in Delhi High Court filed by another former TERI employee of sexual harassment.


another teri staffer pachauri rk pachauri case sexual harassment pachauri