
Rejected Lover Sends Sex Toys To Woman's House, Uploads Her Number On Porn Sites

Malad man sends sex toys to woman who rejected his romantic advances. After multiple couriers, the woman filed a complaint in February.

Tanvi Akhauri
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Man sends sex toys to woman after rejection: Mumbai police arrested a man accused of sending sex toys to a woman's house and uploading her number on pornography websites after she turned down his romantic pursuits, reports said Friday. The 26-year-old was nabbed following a months-long investigation of trying to track him down.

The man, identified as one Kunal Angolkar, is from Malad and as per police, is tech-savvy. "He had covered his tracks well," Times of India quoted a senior inspector saying. The woman had reportedly filed a complaint in February this year, after repeatedly being sent sex toys to her home address.

According to reports, the items sent were on cash on delivery payment method. The accused could not be tracked down through the courier company or e-commerce accounts since he didn't mention his details anywhere.

Spurned Man Sends Sex Toys To Woman: Cyberharassment Takes Months To Track

Police said Angolkar changed his IP address each time he allegedly sent a parcel to the woman's house. The cyber cell had to scour through hundreds of service providers in the area before they got a hold of him, reports claim.

In the recent past, there have been several such cases of spurned lovers exacting revenge by stalking or hurting women who turned down their proposals. Earlier this year in January, a male software engineer attempted to defame a woman who rejected him by circulating inappropriate photos and her number online. Read here.

A woman techie in Hyderabad, as per reports, was brutally attacked in March by a suitor whose interests she did not reciprocate. In July, a woman in Rajasthan was stabbed allegedly for rejecting a man's proposal. Her mother suffered injuries as well.


Following a rise of such cases in Kerala, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan specifically addressed the issue during assembly last month, saying the act of harassing or abusing women for turning away romantic interests would be punishable and that authorities were tracking offenders.

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