
Rajasthan: Khap Panchayat Orders No Jeans and Mobile Phones for Girls

Charvi Kathuria
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Mini Skirts And Tight Pants, fake pockets, Mysuru DDPU no jeans circular ,Girl abused for wearing jeans, girl killed for wearing jeans, Women wearing jeans

What should girls in Dholpur not do to avoid getting molested?

According to the Baldiyapura Panchayat — under Sepmau sub-division, they should not wear jeans and carry cellphones, since such western ideas ruin our Indian culture, making our girls more vulnerable to women-related crimes.


Highlighting the emerging trend of following western tradition, the Panchayat members warned the parents against wearing jeans and using mobile phones. Besides this, they were also advised to keep an eye on their daughter's activities. The members clarified that the decision will be a coercive one if not followed by everyone willingly. Those flouting the rules will be seriously dealt with.

“Good decisions were taken by the panchayat to eradicate social evils. Incidents of rape and molestation are on the rise as women wear attractive clothes,” said Kanasil Hariom Singh Parmar, the Panchayat Sarpanch, as reported by HT.

Also read: Equating Safety with Clothing: The wrong and right of things

Another Panchayat member backed the stringent measure by saying that the aim is to do away with all bad habits in the village so that the overall development of the village can take place.

The Panchayat has also banned the consumption and sale of alcohol and tobacco pouches in the village.

Additional district collector of Dholpur, Rajasthan, Vinod Kumar Meena, supported the Panchayat’s ban on consumption and sale of alcohol but criticized the decision to ban girl from wearing jeans and using mobiles. “We have not received any complaint, but will consider legal action against them (Panchayat members) after getting a complaint,” said Meena.

This is not the first time that a Khap Panchayat has curbed women's freedom to wear their choice of clothes. Last year, a village in Aligarh banned girls from using mobile phones and wearing jeans and T-shirts.

It is disheartening to see some Indians still trying to develop an intrinsic relationship between women's clothes and safety despite knowing the fact that it is the mindset and not women's dress code which needs a complete overhaul.

Read Also: Bhopal Jain temples ban women in jeans. Seriously, how dangerous can denim pants be?


Rajasthan western ideas khap panchayat dresscode ban cellphones women's safety