
Qazis To Ask Grooms To Sign Bonds Against Triple Talaq: Muslim Law Board

In a new development, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board has told the Supreme Court bench that it will issue a circular which will ensure that qazis get a bond signed by Muslim men which will ban them from giving Triple Talaq.

Poorvi Gupta
New Update
bail triple talaq bill, Prohibition Unlawful Conversion Religion Ordinance

In a new development, the All India Muslim Personal Law Board has told the Supreme Court bench that it will issue a circular which will ensure that qazis get a bond signed by Muslim men which will ban them from giving Triple Talaq.


While the SC is hearing petitions for and against the Triple Talaq, the AIMPLB has come up with this solution of asking all qazis across the country that while preparing the nikaahnama, they must ensure that the groom will never give instant Triple Talaq to his bride.

Congress minister, Kapil Sibal, who has been advocating in favour of Triple Talaq on AIMPLB’s behalf, also stated that there will also be a provision for Muslim women to say no to Triple Talaq.

The five-member bench of SC, headed by Chief Justice of India J S Kehar, has been hearing pleas on Triple Talaq since May 11 every day.

The SC is yet to pass a judgment and Sibal’s statement has come after the bench questioned the practice’s fundamental validity when the community itself deems it "sinful" and "worst form of divorce".

ALSO READ: Triple Talaq Issue Finally Before SC Panel, But No Woman On Bench

“Somebody gave this book to us... it says Talaq-e-biddat is a deviation from the right path. And now this is read and reread during every Friday afternoon prayers. So during every prayer, you say Triple Talaq is bad, sinful,” said Justice Kehar, retorting to Sibal’s view of keeping Triple Talaq.


The bench has also asked why Indian can’t abolish the practice when it is banned in 20 out of 22 Islamic countries, including Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. When the bench asked Sibal if Triple Talaq is not sinful and bad, he replied, “Lots of sinful things are happening in the society protected by customs.”

He added, “It may be bad, it may be sinful, but women accept it.”

His comments were received negatively by the women lawyers present in the court, who protested loudly against it.

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Muslim women issues Kapil Sibal CJI K S JEHAR nikahnama Supreme court on Triple talaq