
Providing a fresh start: DCW hires acid attack survivors

In a bid to rehabilitate acid attack survivors, the DCW, has taken the step of employing two such victims,,who take care of the ‘Acid Watch Cell’

Poorvi Gupta
New Update
acid attack

In a bid to rehabilitate acid attack survivors, the Delhi Commission for women(DCW), has taken the step of employing two such victims. They will work with the ‘Acid Watch Cell’ department.  DCW Chief Swati Malliwal, made the announcement of the recruitment saying, “One of them will be a part of the 'Acid Watch Cell' of the Delhi Commission for Women. Some of the priorities of the Acid Watch cell are ensuring acid attack victims get proper treatment as well as to follow-up their cases in court,” reports PTI.


"The other woman has been employed in the help desk of DCW where she will be hearing grievances of complainants and working towards resolving the same,” she added.

Also read: How Kangana Ranaut’s sister Rangoli, an acid attack survivor inspires

While it is a welcoming initiative from the DCW, Ria Sharma of Make Love Not Scars, an NGO which aids acid attack survivors in recovery and rehabilitation, questions the decision citing a concrete point, “The jobs given to acid attack survivors are contractual and government jobs. These jobs were promised to the acid attack survivors one year back and it’s only now that they have got it.”

However, she does say that it is indeed a “great initiative from the government’s side in the right direction.”

Furthermore, Ria points out rehabilitation needs to be focussed on the disabled survivors, who actually need jobs, such as those who have lost their eyesight, which form a majority.  “I truly believe that they need to step it up and actually help where its most needed which is rehabilitating those girls who got blind and have been sitting at home for over 10 years. They need to focus over there but I think it’s a good start from the government to start acknowledging a section of the society.”

Though the initiative is great, it needs to include more attack survivors and for a longer period. A  three month contract is too less for the survivors to even get used to it. And as rightly mentioned by Ria, the spotlight should be on the survivors who haven’t got any attention from a long time.


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DCW Ria Sharma Make Love Not Scars Indian acid attack survivors