
21-Year-Old Helps Create Separate Washrooms For Transgender People

Ria Das
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A 21-year-old man has created a space for transgender people to use washrooms in four public toilets in Kolkata.


Sobhan Mukherjee's proposal was to provide basic facility for the transgender community just like every other human being. Now, the idea has led to a separate washroom for the members of LGBTQ community in Bansdroni area of Kolkata.

Sign - Men, Women and Tridhara

While big welcome boards are placed outside the toilets for the transgender people, an ecstatic Mukherjee told TOI: "I wanted to contribute in my small way towards making life easier for the community. I am thankful to the councillor, who understood the issue."

Mukherjee, during his college days, was painfully observant of the height of struggle transgender people go through due to lack of hygiene and basic infrastucture. He was keen help them have their fundamental rights. With this thought in mind, he approached ward councillor Anita Kar Majumdar with the proposal of having washrooms for transgender people in open spaces.

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Seed Of Activism


Though Mukherjee is not an activist, his concern about a challenging issue that always had such a simple solution is the proof that he was born to raise awareness in society. "I wondered how serious he was. But I was amazed by his initiative, and the fact that he even coined a perfect word for the community," said transgender activist Ranjita Sinha, a member of the West Bengal Transgender Board.

Why The Proposal Is Clap-worthy

Year 2017 has seen many transforming ideas in India involving transgender people. The Kochi government opening doors for them in Metro railway and IGNOU providing them free education are some of the notable changes.

Similarly, when Mukherjee explained his proposal, Kar Majumdar, too, was impressed like others. "Hats off to him for coming up with such socially responsible ideas, which none of us even think of. So far, no one has created a problem for earmarking toilets for the third gender. If someone does so in the future, I will personally intervene and see to it that there is no hindrance to this project," she said.

Read Also: Kerala Govt Plans Education Program For Transgender Community

The Vital Issue


In April this year, the Union sanitation ministry, had announced a guideline according to which transgender people were allowed to use washrooms of their own gender preference. But the problem appeared when they face unwelcoming behaviour and harassment.

We applaud Mukherjee's impressive proposal and hopefully, there will many more welcome changes in the future.

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