
Nirbhaya Fund Relief Centre Opens In Gurgaon

Neha Seth
Updated On
New Update
Nirbhaya Fund Relief Centre

The National Capital Region (NCR) opened its first One-Stop Crisis Centre under the Nirbhaya Fund, at the Sector 10 government hospital of Gurgaon.


Two rooms of the hospital have been named “sakhi” and converted into the OSC Centre, TOI reports. The main purpose of these crisis rooms will be to provide any and all help to victims of rape and crimes against women, including molestation, domestic violence and dowry harassment. The women arriving here for help will be provided free medical treatment and legal support.

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If all goes according to plan, then soon the health department and the district legal service authority will designate a special team comprising doctors, cops and lawyers from the centre for support to the “sakhi”.

This is not India’s first OSC, the first such room came into existence in Karnal on August 31 this year. The state government has already approved plans of opening OSCs in the district of Faridabad, Bhiwani, Hisar, Rewari and Narnaul.

The Nirbhaya Fund was set up in 2013, with a corpus of Rs 1000 crore, to be utilised for ensuring the safety of women. Since then, the fund has grown to about Rs 2000 crore, but has mainly lain idle, with the program accused of just providing lip service and little action on the ground, despite a plan to open up more than 650 One-Stop Crisis Centres across the country.

Feature Image Credit: The Times of India

Gurgaon Nirbhaya Fund Crisis Centre crimes against women