
AIMPLB To Protest Against "Anti-Women" Triple Talaq Bill

Poorvi Gupta
New Update
Triple Talaq criminal offence

All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) is going to stage a peaceful protest against the government's Triple Talaq Bill in Lucknow on March 18. The burqa-clad women will gather at Teele Wali Masjid on Sunday afternoon to demonstrate against the “anti-women” bill as they call it.


Members of the board have put up banners and posters across the old city area to spread word about the protest. This is not the first of protests but women are raising their voice in different cities across the country to call out the challenges they face with the Triple Talaq bill.

Maulana Najeebul Hasan Siddiqui is the convener of the program. Executive committee members of AIMPLB, Dr Asma Zehra from Hydreabad and Mamdooha Majid from Delhi, will also be in Lucknow.

“Women are going to lead it and hold the programme. While AIMPLB members Zafaryab Jilani, Maulana Atiq Bastari and I will join in, it is their show against the unjust bill by the government,” said AIMPLB executive member, Maulana Khalid Rasheed Farangi Mahli.

This is not the first of protests, but women are raising their voice in different cities across the country to call out the challenges they face with the Triple Talaq bill

ALSO READ: Women’s Groups Write to Union Law Minister Against Triple Talaq Bill

“We have organised several such protests in Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Bhopal, Kolkata and many other cities. Board will have the last protest in Delhi for which we will decide the date on March 18,” he added.


Earlier in January, Union Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad presented the bill in the Lok Sabha, which passed it with majority support. However, Rajya Sabha is still discussing it.

Even when Prasad had floated the bill in Lok Sabha, Triple Talaq petitioner Hasina Khan had objected the bill. She specifically wrote a Facebook post pointing out her objection against the bill. Khan had said that criminalising the bill will lead to putting more Muslim men behind bars. She had also said that it would make it difficult for Muslim women to get maintenance from their husbands.

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Protest against Triple Talaq bill Muslim Women AIMPLB Triple Talaq Bill