
Moms Say So - Wisdom Of Moms Through Lessons They Learnt

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Wisdom of Moms She The People

Along with motherhood comes a precious wisdom, one that is acquired through the crucible of 'learning' to be a mother. Here are some famous women telling you the lessons they learned by being moms.



There's people constantly asking you for something on set, so the multi-tasking of motherhood transfers very well to being a director. And I think you're compassionate. Angelina Jolie


Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything gets reduced to essentials. Meryl Streep


Mother's Day 2017 Campaign


The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness. When you become a mother, you are no longer the center of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your children. Jessica Lange


Motherhood was the great equaliser for me; I started to identify with everybody... as a mother, you have that impulse to wish that no child should ever be hurt, or abused, or go hungry, or not have opportunities in life. Annie Lennox


I've found that motherhood helps you figure out what absolutely needs to be done and what doesn't. You just learn to do everything quicker and quicker - your style and your makeup gets more refined and generally easier. Jade Jagger


Motherhood is priced Of God, at price no man may dare To lessen or misunderstand. Helen Hunt Jackson


You're always going to feel like you're catching up, and part of that is just balancing work and motherhood and the whole feeling of needing to please, which I do think girls and women feel more than men. Kim Gordon



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