
Miranda House Installs Digital Signages For The Visually Challenged

Charvi Kathuria
New Update

Miranda House, a renowned girl's college under Delhi university, has put up "digital vision signages" on its premises to help 70 visually challenged students manoeuvre  their way around the campus.


The college has installed 100 QR code acrylic sheets. When a smartphone with a customised app comes within 3 feet of a code, verbal messages go out identifying the location and giving other details.

Talking about this disabled-friendly technology, Miranda House Principal Pratibha Jolly told TOI, "If a student wants to meet me, the digital signage in the office corridor gives a warning about the glass door and verbally directs the student on how many steps she should take to reach the spot."

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According to TOI, the visually challenged students are trained on how to use the app soon after they take admission in the college.

"This is an attempt at deconstructing the notions of disability and bringing a fresh approach to sensitisation of the sighted," said Reena Bhatia, convener of Miranda's Enabling Society-Lakshita. This society has played a monumental role in making the whole project a huge success.

Besides digital app signages, the college also offers scanners, e-book readers, voice recorders and Braille embosser that converts printed text to embossed Braille dots to facilitate learning.


"This is an attempt at deconstructing the notions of disability and bringing a fresh approach to sensitisation of the sighted," said Reena Bhatia

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It is good to see campuses becoming sensitive to the needs of disabled students. Indraprastha College For Women, for instance, has been constructed in a way that provides barrier-free access for visually challenged students. Apart from ramps and markers, the college also has special washrooms for them.

Last month, the Andhra University decided to redesign its campus by constructing ramps in major buildings and providing wheel-chair services.

Last year, AICTE (All India Council For Technical Education) instructed engineering colleges affiliated to it make their campuses disabled friendly.

India can progress only if we add the required human touch to our university campuses. This will encourage more and more disabled people to get enrolled in universities, gain education and contribute towards the society.


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Image credits: University Express

Charvi Is An Intern With SheThePeople.TV

visually challenged rights of the disabled Miranda House