
Mexico: How Blanca Trevino Is Inspiring Women in Technology

Nikhita Sanotra
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Blanca Trevino

If you thought that the gender gap in IT and computing jobs in India was bad, it is also the same in other developing nations around the world. In countries like Mexico, there are a lot of challenges women face if they want to pursue a career in IT. One woman, Blanca Trevino, is trying to change this. Blanca is the co-founder, CEO and President of the Latin America’s largest IT vendor called Softtek.


Trevino helped build the company from the ground up since 1982. Today the company generates more than $500 million in their annual revenue. Being such a highly qualified role model, Trevino wants more women to join the computing industry. Her mantra is,

“Don't focus on the obstacles you face, but focus on the skills and talents you bring to the field. It's all about mindset."

The gender gap in the IT industry is increasing, and according to UNESCO, women are underrepresented in the STEM fields in Latin America. This gap was even worse in the 80s, when Trevino went to college to learn IT, and joined the industry that too in a Mexico. Trevino’s beginnings are an inspiration to other women who want to work their way into the IT company.

In an interview with CNBC, Trevino says one thing that has changed over the years is, " there are female role models — such as Sheryl Sandberg, CEO of Facebook — who have been able to make it. This gives women confidence they too can succeed."

According to the Anita Borg Institute, women take up 14% executive level jobs in the tech industry, and are often pushed into softer technical roles rather than managerial positions. Trevino has some advice for women who want to start their own company in the IT sector. She says,

“Develop a big idea and commit to it, focus on your strengths and find great partners who share the same dream with you and give you a good support system when you need it.”


Pic Credits: 24 Horas

Also read: Women in Tech: Challenges they Face in a Male-dominated Industry

Read more stories by Nikhita Sanotra

Softtek Mexico gender gap in tech firm gender disparity in tech Blanca Trevino women entrepreneurs women ceos IT industry women in IT