
#MeToo Study: 80% Men Have Become Cautious With Women At Work

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The #MeToo movement, which started in the West, took India by the storm this year, and rightly so. While several survivors stood up and outed the culprits, several others are still fighting the battle. It's safe to say that the campaign, to some extent, has had constructive effects at several workplaces.


A a new study published by Velocity MR, a market research and analysis company, says almost 80 per cent of men have become overly cautious in their dealings with women colleagues in their respective workplaces in light of the #MeToo movement, according to reports.

The study also reveals how 80 per cent of respondents said many survivors did not report cases of sexual harassment "due to the fear of losing career, family reputation, social stigma, and skepticism".

The research offered a clear insight into the viewpoints of urban Indians in light of the #MeToo wave. Covering Indian metros like Delhi, Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Chennai, the study worked on a sample size of 2,569 people.

  • It noted that 8 in 10 respondents claimed that formal workplace interactions have been highly impacted post #MeToo.
  • About 80 per cent of the men revealed they have become extra careful while interacting with women colleagues.
  • When asked whether or not men, too, are facing their #MeToo, several respondents said there's always a possibility of the same.

Despite a majority of the #MeToo cases being from Bollywood and media, 77 per cent respondents believe other industries are similarly unsafe

  • 71 per cent of the respondents believed #MeToo is a reality at homes as well. 60 per cent women said that the support of NGOs to help #MeToo survivors at homes is essential.
  • 83 per cent of the respondents said that while #MeToo has had serious positive outcomes, there are several cases of false allegations too.
  • It was noted that over a third of India’s top 100 companies did not have a single sexual assault case registered with them in 2017-18.
  • Seven in every 10 felt that encouraging the survivors is a possible way to make them break their silence about abuse.

Seven in 10 respondents agreed that survivors are still facing threats despite reporting the cases.

  • Four out of 10 respondents agreed that working women are prime survivors of #MeToo.
  • Close to 50 per cent respondents disapproved the move of the survivors in reporting the abuse later.
  • Two in five men support the survivors, believing they are right in reporting the abuse later.

"India is caught in the crest of its #MeToo wave with new cases of sexual abuse and harassment against women being reported every few days. It’s very inspiring to see that the movement has given a voice to the many suppressed incidents of abuse, but people should handle it with a lot of responsibility I believe," Jasal Shah, Managing Director & CEO of Velocity MR, said.

Certainly, this is the time for everyone, regardless of gender, to stand united, believe the survivors, and make this movement worth every voice and struggle.

Also Read: All We Need To Know About Harassment Laws At Workplace

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#MeToo aftermath #MeToo #MeToo India Men cautious #MeToo