The internet is a very powerful place where you can learn, where you can earn, you can collaborate, you can get research for a project, and also you can connect with family and friends. Its enterprising nature allows us to explore new opportunities. At the #DigitalTrustDialogues we established how the conversation on safety and trust must shape for women by speaking to many experts. We were made aware of the downsides. Child safety, digital trust, morphing and even the dark web should keep us on toes and recognise the challenges our new online environment poses. These issues can not only having lasting affects, they can be detrimental to health.
For us, there is a tremendous amount of knowledge building as we talk of the issues involved. Let’s start off with the inappropriate websites, well you never know what could be on that website. It could be inappropriate pictures, videos, ads and a lot more. Kids can be easily lured into that type of thing for example, if the child has a laptop in his or her room and has seen something on the television and searches for that subject and it ends up being a subject that was inappropriate and him or her ends up getting caught in the act and the parents miss understand what he or she was up to.
Now being lured into a dangerous situation that is also called “stranger danger” he or she has access to the internet and gives out personal information then predators hunt him or her down and him or her ends up being missing because of the information that was given on the accessible laptop or computer.
1) Don’t share your address, email address or mobile number.
2) Think before posting pictures or videos of yourself.
3) Keep your privacy settings as high as possible, for your own sake.
4) Never share your passwords
5) Don’t befriend people you don’t know
6) Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online.
7) Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are
8) Think carefully about what you say before you post something online
Once in the online universe, the comments and posts tend to float forever. Which means, we must think before we speak and share. You could have a hard time trying to get a job because of what you may have done or said. I personally keep a tab and I think before I post.
The internet offers tremendous opportunities and we must explore those in all earnest. I hope that you realize that the internet can be very helpful place but also a very dangerous place. Remember that if you ever end up getting into one of these things think of the effects that can happen which are inappropriate websites, dangerous situations, and also posts have lasting effects. Please keep the message internet safety in your mind when you’re on the computer or the laptop!