
Know The Ten Most Gender Equal Countries In Asia

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People across the world have been fighting for gender equality for a very long time now. However, there's a lot more work required when it comes to fully eliminating inequalities around. Studies have shown that economies maintaining an equal and just environment tend to do much better. Coming to Asian economies, several countries have been striving towards achieving an equal environment, leading to a further shrink in gender gap.


According to the latest analysis by the World Economic Forum (WEF), Asia has a tremendous score as its ten countries are working towards gender equality. Let's take a look at the ten most gender equal countries in Asia, which are working towards erasing the gender gap.

1. Philippines

This is the only country in the region which made it to the global top 10 most gender equal countries in the world.  Even though this archipelago slipped three places since last year’s global report, it is still at the top in Asia. The Philippines has completely eliminated the gap between the sexes, especially when it comes to educational attainment.

2. Bangladesh

Bangladesh, as per reports, has climbed several places since last year’s report, reaching 47th place in the global ranking. The country has managed to close almost 72% of its overall gender gap and has made an advancement in every aspect of the Economic Opportunity and Participation indicator.

3. Mongolia


Ranking 53 globally, Mongolia has soared through the rankings to reach third place in Asia. The country has managed to improve its gender balance among legislators, senior officials and managers, and has made great advances when it comes to political empowerment for women. Mongolia is one of only three countries in Asia, along with Japan and Cambodia, to fully close the Health and Survival index gender gap.

4. Lao PDR

With an aggravated earlier success, Lao, for now, is the only country outside of Africa to eliminate the gender gap in labour-force participation. This achievement soars through the second year in a row. The country has also recorded year-on-year improvements in tertiary enrolment opportunities and improved women’s share of estimated earned income.

5. Singapore

Singapore, over the last few years, has seen immense female participation in the economy. There has been a considerable increase in female labour-force participation. The country has also ranked higher on the report’s Health and Survival sub-index, increasing parity in healthy life expectancy.

6. Vietnam


This country has managed to fully close the gender gap among its technical and professional workers. However, Vietnam has experienced a decrease in gender parity for women in ministerial positions. Another positive is that the country has progressively maintained equal opportunities for enrolment in tertiary education sectors.

7. Thailand

Thailand has inspiringly seen greater gender equality for women in ministerial positions and other political arenas. The country has also fully closed its gender gap for technical and professional workers.

8. Myanmar

Myanmar is the newest entry to the Global Gender Gap Index. The country has even eliminated gender differences in secondary and tertiary education enrolment. Myanmar, apart from increasing women’s share of technical and professional roles, has closed the gap fully in this regard. The country has also reached near parity in total labour-force participation.

9. Indonesia


Indonesia is another country climbing its way up on the global index. The country is striving towards closing its gender gap by making advances in wage equality for similar work and creating opportunities for political empowerment.

10 Cambodia

Cambodia, too, has climbed a few places on the index. The country continues to reduce its overall gender gap as its women are availing an increased share of legislator, senior official and management roles, and greater opportunities to enrol in tertiary education. Cambodia has also well maintained a closed gender gap for its Health and Survival index. 

Also Read: India’s Mobile Phone Gender Gap Stands At 33 Per Cent: Study

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Asia Global gender gap Gender Equal Countries Asia gender equality gender equality