
Kiran Bedi Distributes “Kabali” Tickets to 147 Villagers in Puducherry

Neha Seth
New Update
Kiran Bedi

On 22nd July Kiran Bedi who is the current Lt. Governor of Puducherry decided to gift tickets at Raj Nivas for the movie “Kabali” of Mega Superstar Rajnikant to 147 village workers of Sellipet as a reward for their hard work and dedication in the construction of Toilets.


Superstar Rajnikanth is like an addiction to his audience, a lord for his fans and a delight for the eyes of a new viewer. Kiran very well understands the power of Rajnikanth, she knows he has the power to inspire the masses, he is the reason people are ready to spend 5000 rupees for a single ticket to his movie. Kiran wanted to attract the attention of the rural masses, she wanted to give them a reason and inspiration for hard work and so she offered them a ticket for the film of their screen god.

Bedi has had an impeccable Career as a female cop but she had a complicated start to her political career in Delhi. The new revised 4.0 version of Bedi that we see in Puducherry since her appointment in the Union Territory has pleasantly surprised many. Her reign as the L-G in Puducherry reportedly stands on three key pillars namely Trust, Empowerment and Accountability.

One only hopes that small efforts like these go a long way in sorting out civic and state issues, giving others a reason to adopt innovative measures and rewards.

Bedi has always been an inspiration for many women who want to work for the government or serve in the Police. This Woman became the first women IPS officer in an era where men ruled that force. Today as the Governor of Puducherry she is setting an example for other ministers by rewarding her citizens for their simplest of participation.

Kiran Bedi Kiran Bedi Puducherry Kabali Tickets