
Kerala MP's Wife Shares #MeToo Moment In Her Memoir

Ria Das
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Kerala MP's Wife #MeToo Moment

The wife of a Kerala parliamentarian, Nisha Jose, has recently published her memoir. What has shocked the readers is Nisha's #MeToo moment in the book.


Wife of Kerala MP Jose Mani, Nisha has not taken any names in the matter of sexual misconduct she had experienced. However, following the memoir's publication, Shone George, the son of a legislator, has filed a police complaint against Nisha. He claimed that the allegations appear to point at him.

Daughter-in-law of Kerala Congress chief KM Mani, Nisha revealed her part of the story amidst the #MeToo Movement. She spoke out about the time when she had faced sexual misconduct in the book titled "The Other Side Of This Life - Snippets of my life as a Politician's Wife".

Nisha Jose's book Screengrab of Nisha Jose's book in which she alleges that she was "harassed" during a train journey in 2012


Referring to the harassment day, Nisha revealed that it was a day in 2012 when she was on a train journey. A senior state politician's son accosted her at Thiruvananthapuram railway station late at night. He introduced himself by taking his father's name. When he started making small talk, she clearly told him that she wanted to sleep, but the man wouldn't stop talking to her.

Nisha wrote: “I hinted that I was very sleepy. But he paid no heed. I discreetly went to the TTE and requested him to help me. The TTE said: if this gentleman is anything like his father, I dare not intervene.”

She describes in the book that he "touched her feet accidentally three to four times" while shifting in his seat and everytime "I was uncomfortable and felt violated"

"Some may think I am overreacting to an accidental touch on my feet. Let me assure you if it was 'accidental', any decent man would apologise and move away. This was done three to four times, while intentionally sitting with a co-passenger of the opposite sex, late at night, that too when he had his own seat," she writes. "...I was the one who went through the ordeal, and I was the one who felt violated. And I can sense the difference between a good touch and a bad touch."


He crossed the "Lakshman Rekha (line of decency)", she writes

When she complained to the ticket examiner, he reportedly refused to help.

The TTE said, "If this gentleman is anything like his father I dare not intervene. You are both friends politically also. Later it will fall on my head."

Shone George has reportedly filed a complaint with the police, saying he has been unnecessarily dragged into this matter without any proof. He went on to say that he is always under the scanner for this apparent allegation and Nisha Jose should just not hide the name of the person.

"Even if she hasn't named me, based on her hints in the book, everyone seems to be pointing fingers at me. I want the police to investigate and bring the truth out. It is not fair that I should be blamed," said Shone George.

“Only he knows why he is barking. Let him bark. The louder the dogs bark the less a lion feels threatened,” says the writer

George is now considering suing Nisha Jose for defamation.

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#metoo in india #MeToo Kerala victims of sexual assault fight harassment Shone George PC George Nisha Jose memoir Nisha Jose K Mani Kerala MP Wife molested harassed by politician's son Sexual harassment