
Iranian Women Share 'Illegal' Videos Of Their Lives On Facebook

My Stealthy Freedom, the online Facebook campaign in which Iranian women post photos of themselves without the hijab, has started another campaign -- this time to show videos of women who struggle with everyday hardships in the country.

Tara Khandelwal
New Update
App Saudi Arabia

My Stealthy Freedom, the online Facebook campaign in which Iranian women post photos of themselves without the hijab, has started another campaign -- this time to show videos of women who struggle with everyday hardships in the country.


Women illegally send videos to the campaign’s founder, Masih Alinejad, over proxy servers and the like. Alinejad tells Women in the World that she wants women to be their own storytellers. “This is full of pain and power, but it is a true face of Iranian women,” she says.

In the video, actress Sadaf Taherian who was forced to flee Iran after posting pictures of herself without the hijab, talks about how she was humiliated and objectified when meeting film companies.

Women also share stories of how they have experienced violence. A human rights activist talks about how she was kidnapped by the police. An acid attack victim speaks about her experience. “Suddenly, a sort of black wave of something came in from above the door. It burned like hell. It was like I was burning to the bone,” she said.

I am a free human being and I do not let my human rights to be ignored in the name of religion

Another woman speaks about how her father-in-law blinded her in an acid attack.

The Facebook page is very inspiring as it brings together Iranian women who are fighting for their freedom in the small ways they can. A picture posted just yesterday shows a woman standing in front of a billboard.The billboard compares a woman who refuses to cover up to an unwrapped piece of chocolate. “Billboards like these reduce women to simple objects. In situations like these ones, civil disobedience becomes inevitable," she says. She stands confidently in front of the billboard, uncovered and free.


Another photo shows a woman taking off and burning her black veil.

Iranian woman burns black veil Source: My Stealthy Freedom

In another photo, a woman says that freedom and equality are her rights. "Why should  I obtain my husband's consent in order to get a passport? I do not only protest against compulsory hijab but all discriminatory laws that ignore my dignity. I am a free human  being and I do not let my human rights to be ignored in the name of religion," she said.

The Facebook page has over a million likes.

Also Read: Iran’s #MenInHijab campaign shows true understanding of gender equality

Iranian women forced hijab My Stealthy Freedom