
Indian Scientist at MIT Designs a Sensor to Stop Sexual Assault

Charvi Kathuria
New Update

Detecting sexual assault in real-time can be a reality now, thanks to an Indian scientist at MIT who has created a sticker-like wearable sensor that alerts the victim’s friends and family in case of an untoward situation, according to PTI reports.


How It Works?

Manisha Mohan, a research assistant at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US said that the sensor can be easily attached to any piece of clothing like a sticker. It can also be trained to learn the difference between when a person is undressing and when they are being forcefully disrobed. The sensor works even when the user is unconscious or not in the position to fight an assault.

It was the young scientist's personal experience that compelled her to create the device.

An integrated Bluetooth connected to a smart phone app can trigger a loud noise to alert people nearby. It then sends out distress signals to preset numbers of family members or emergency services.

The sensor works in two modes. The passive mode, assumes the user to be conscious.  Therefore, the person can set off loud alarms or distress calls on their own using a button. In the active mode, the sensor tries to detect signals from the external environment.

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In case the app senses a forceful intervention, it sends a message to the smart phone asking about the person consents. In case the user does not respond within 30 seconds, the phone begins to emit a loud noise to alert people nearby.

The user needs to stop the alarm using a predefined password within the next 20 seconds. Otherwise the app automatically sends distress signals to family or friends, along with the location.

What compelled her to do this?

It was the young scientist's personal experience that compelled her to create the device.

“Female students on campus were not allowed to work beyond certain hours. You were expected to be back in your dorm by 6:30 p.m.,” Mohan said.

“Instead of asking them to remain indoors, I think, we should provide more safety for them. She added that the proposed solutions aims to combat child sexual abuse, college campus assault and abuse of elderly and disabled,” Mohan said.

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wearable safety device MIT Manisha Mohan Sexual assault Indian student women's safety