
Security Tightened After IIT-BHU Woman Faces Molestation On Campus

Massive protests broke out at the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) in Uttar Pradesh’s Varanasi on Thursday after a student alleged that she was molested on campus by three unidentified men

Tanya Savkoor
Updated On
New Update
iit bhu student molestation on campus

Students gathered in support of the woman, to protest in front of IIT (BHU) director's office, demanding a safer campus.

Massive protests broke out at the IIT-BHU campus in Varanasi after a woman complained that she was molested by three unidentified men on campus, in the wee hours of November 2. A large gathering of students came in support of the woman by protesting outside the institute director's office, demanding arrangements for monitoring the entry of outsiders into the campus.


In her complaint, the woman alleged that while she was taking a stroll with a friend at the university campus, three men on a bike approached them from behind at around 1:30 a.m. and separated her from her friend. They then shut her mouth tightly and tried undressing, kissing and videotaping her.

When the woman shouted for help, the accused threatened to kill her. The men held the woman captive for 15-20 minutes, after which she fled and hid at the residence of a professor who took her to security officials. 

The institute, after a meeting with student representatives, said that they will pursue the proposal of a closed campus with the Ministry of Education, reports NDTV.

"The institute shall actively pursue with the Ministry of Education and the University administration for the creation of a closed campus with restricted entry," the BHU Registrar said in a statement.

The registrar also said that security has been tightened and more CCTVs will soon be installed on the campus.

Movement of students will also be restricted between 10 pm and 5 am, the institute added.


IIT-BHU students protest demanding justice

After the incident came to light, more than 2000 students protested within the campus demanding justice for the woman. According to the reports, she pleaded for the strictest action against the perpetrators.

A police case has been lodged against three unidentified men under sections 354-B (assault or use of criminal force to woman with intent to disrobe) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code and under relevant sections of the Information Technology Act. Multiple teams have been formed to find and arrest the accused men.


Suggested Reading: Women Groped, Stalked, Harassed: Are We In Midst Of Huge Safety Crisis

IIT-BHU Molestation case student protest protest'