
How these successful women overcame obstacles: They simply stood their ground

We speak to some successful women about how they overcame hurdles on their road to success

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Business does not come easy; and whoever says otherwise is lying to you. It is constant work, there are no Sundays and there is an added pressure of overcoming obstacles that could very well be mentally, emotionally and physically frustrating. Especially for women who have to also go through the gender scrutiny. Of course that is not always the case, but it is still very common to get odd looks by the bunch of regressive bigots who think women can’t handle business. There are many other challenges that come when you start out on your own and SheThePeople.Tv spoke to some of these women who tell us how they have succeeded in overcoming hurdles.


Tejal Choksi, head chef at The Cantonese Kitchen, tells us about the challenges she faced. For a population that loves to eat “indianised” dishes, Cantonese food was different. Of course there are those who want their dish to be a “little more spicy” or with “more sauce please”; but Tejal has not compromised with her food’s authenticity. She puts her foot down at these requests and makes what she knows best, authentic Cantonese food.

Also read: When three is not a crowd: Sweta, Amritha and Daizy of WhereElse Cafe

Renu Bisht, entrepeneur Keeping a tab on female employee security through an app: Renu Bisht ( Picture Credit: youtube)

We also spoke to Renu Bisht, who is the founder of Vanity Cube, an on-demand beauty and wellness service company, to tell us about her journey in the start-up arena. Her start-up involves female employees and their security becomes a major concern for her. She found her answer in technology itself! She tells us that the company is aware of every woman employee’s location through their App; they know the address, the time and also the probable time of when they should be done with their work. This inculcates a strong trust and loyalty between the brand and its employees. Kudos to Renu for this idea!

Suhani Mohan, entrepreneur Finding solutions to menstrual hygiene: Suhani Mohan ( Picture Credit: twitter)

Talking about women, Suhani Mohan spoke to us about her product Saral Designs; a product driven start-up with the mission of solving critical problems in the field of menstruation, hygiene and sanitation. She informed us about her trips to many villages in Maharashtra itself where talking to girls in school became a difficult task. The challenge was trying to break through the traditional mindset of many women who still believe that using cloth during their menstruation is the way to go. Fortunately though many schools agreed to let Suhani and her team educate the young girls about menstruation and hygiene.


Also read: The miracle menstrual cup and me by Poorvi Gupta

Kaneez Surka, comic No apologies for her funny bone: Kaneez Surka ( Picture Credit:

Women face gender discrimination at every step, and these disparities crawl into professional lives making some jobs hectic. But we know of a woman who shuns all these chauvinists with comedy! Yes, we’re talking of Kaneez Surka. An impromptu comic, who recently started doing stand-ups, tells us how some audience do not appreciate her sharing sexual humour. A major “tsk tsk” topic amongst the audience who otherwise would enjoy the same kind of humour by men! When are we going to rise above our double standards guys?

Not just that, Aditi Chadha, founder, CEO of DAZL, tells us every time she introduced herself as the Product Architect of DAZL, she would get surprising and unbelievable looks from her audience. She says some would ask her twice if she was really the product architect of an IoT device.

Women are breaking stereotypes all around the globe and inspiring the society to change perspectives. We have been to the space and there are still some who would doubt out abilities. But this change is a gradual process, which will only come with perseverance. So keep that head held high and strut your way to success!

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