
Hindu College girl’s hostel rules are regressive: Delhi Culture Minister

Delhi Culture Minister Kapil Mishra has accused the college administration of regressive and discriminatory rules for the residents of its girls’ hostel.

Poorvi Gupta
New Update
Kapil Mishra, Delhi Culture Minister

In another twist to the tale of the Hindu College girl’s hostel controversy, Delhi Culture Minister Kapil Mishra has become the latest one to accuse the college administration of regressive and discriminatory rules for the residents of its girls’ hostel. While condemning the college governing body, he has also requested the DU Vice Chancellor, Yogesh Tyagi, to intervene in this matter.


Mishra wrote a letter to Tyagi stating that the many rules in the new hostel prospectus are leading to absolute “moral policing” against the future residents. Also, pointing out the inequality the fees structures( While the boys have to pay Rs. 47000, the girls have an annual fee of Rs. 1,27,000), Mishra has sought his help in bringing the fee structure close to equal for both boys and girls.

“This is incomprehensible; (it) will create resentment among students and is deeply unjust. It is also much higher than the hostel fees at any other comparable Delhi University college,” he said, as reported by Hindustan Times.

Also read: Dress as per norms of society: Hindu College Hostel tells female students

“We are still attempting to cage the women in our country under the garb of safety...Why then, are there different rules for students living in hostels? If they are old enough to vote and marry and are subject to the same Constitution of India, why are they not subject to the same rules at a college?” Mishra further asked.

Female students at the Hindu College Students at the Hindu College are not happy with the hostel rules( Picture Credit: Indian Express)

The students have been protesting against the stricter rules for girls and the uncalled for price hike in the fee for over a month now. Many teachers have also spoken up in the favour of the students saying their views were not taken into consideration at all while formulating the rules for students. Further, other organisations such as the Delhi Commission for Women and National Commission for Women have also issued notices to the college condemning the rules and the price hike.


As the controversy takes new turns each day, the college administration has decided that they will not be opening the girls hostel in this session.  All in all this whole fiasco has churned out some very negative publicity for Hindu College, shrouding the positive decision of the authorities to construct a hostel for girls after 117 years of it's inception.

Feature Image Credit: Ndtv


Kapil Mishra Delhi culure minister Hindu College discriminatory rules for girls hindu college girls hostel