
Freelancer Ritika Tiwari Says There's No Substitute To Hard Work

Charvi Kathuria
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Ritika Tiwari-Freelance writer

"I hated my 9 to 5 job so much, I gave everything in me to explore freelance writing as a profession. As soon as I was sure I could cover my rent with freelance writing, I quit my pathetic job with no Plan B and I have never looked back ever since," confesses Ritika Tiwari, a freelance writer based in Mumbai.


Internet is a sea of opportunities for freelance writers and Ritika chose to dive in. "I did not like college, I did not like what the teachers were teaching me in school, and I was going into depression. To cope up with all the negativity around me, I created a personal blog Indian Screw Up, and starting writing my thoughts there. That is when I realized writing was a therapy for me. No matter how sad or depressed I am, that feeling of my fingers tapping the keyboard and the sound of the keys is like heaven to me," shared Ritika while talking about her inner drive.

Most of the writers associate themselves with a particular genre. That is, however, not the case with Ritika. "I don't like to stick to certain themes to be honest. I believe, sticking to a certain genre makes things boring and you don't get a chance to develop your skills as a writer. So, I like to write about as many different things as I can. Though I do stick to non-fiction."

Ritika set up to help aspiring freelance writers find writing opportunities. "On the website, I talk about everything a new writer might need to become a freelance writer. From deciding writing rates, to handling with non-paying clients, I talk about everything. Most importantly, I like to give honest and unfiltered advice. Writing requires a strict discipline and a fixed schedule."

"I usually set my schedule in a way where I write for 2 hours, then edit something else for 2 hours, then I might answer some emails for half an hour while listening to the music, and after that, I go back to writing."


She also makes use of tools like Asana, Trello, Google Calender and Toggl to help her stay productive. Besides writing, Ritika is passionate about travelling which helps her recharge her jaded batteries and get back to work energized.

"One of the major reasons why I am still a full-time freelance writer and not a content editor at some big company is because freelancing lets me travel and work from anywhere I am."

Her tips to writers? "There is no substitute to hard work. No matter how talented you are, you have to remember that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."

"If you treat freelance writing as your part-time job, it will always be your part-time job. But if you do want to be a full-time freelance writer, be prepared to give it your everything. Don't give any client less than perfect work and never miss a deadline."

Also Read: 8 Tips For Writers By Meghna Pant

Charvi Is An Intern With SheThePeople.TV
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