
"Always Remember being an Entrepreneur is a Journey"

Tara Khandelwal
New Update

Ruchita Dar Shah is the founder of the popular mommy community, First Moms' Club. She started off with a Facebook group, which soon took a life of its own. “Soon, lots of people started adding their mommy friends, and I was soon running a small community. I realised we take ourselves too seriously, and treat motherhood like a job. The fun is taken out of it when we are focused on being a perfect mom,” she says.


In 2013, Ruchita launched the official website. She says that FMC is where moms can come and find their own tribe. And it's only become bigger and better from there on.

Why I Dream Big

I don’t know whether my dreams are big or small but I’m always dreaming. You could say I daydream and work best at night and then go to sleep and start dreaming again. On a serious note, I like having a purpose or goal in life, I can’t function otherwise. I have many wild-eyed fantasies about those dreams coming to fruition, sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t, that’s okay, that’s life.

Sometimes, I have been able to distance myself and move on very easily but there have been times when I was very reluctant in accepting the fact that an idea failed.

How I Deal With Failure 

Well, let's be honest… failure is painful, but now after many years, I have also realized that quite often they do turn out to be blessings in disguise. Sometimes, I have been able to distance myself and move on very easily but there have been times when I was very reluctant in accepting the fact that an idea failed. I keep thinking about how I can make it better or revive it even if everybody thinks otherwise.


 Does Fund Raising Matter

Though I also remember reading this quote by Richard Harroch, a venture capitalist …“It’s almost always harder to raise capital than you thought it would be, and it always takes longer. So plan for that.” 

My Advise To A New Entrepreneur

Well, I am still learning to be one, so I can only say that in the beginning, the dreams always feel gigantic, you will often wonder how you will ever achieve them. But, little by little, there will be some small wins and those wins will steadily add up and amount to something.

And always remember that being an entrepreneur is a journey. I am constantly reminding myself of that.

Also Read: How She Did It: Ruchita Dar Shah on Being Mama To Two and Building First Moms Club

first moms club ruchita dar shah Founder speak