
Five Important Lessons We Learn In A Girls' College

Rachna Chandira
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Girls Only Colleges

There are various myths and beliefs associated with a girls' college, some of which are true, others totally way off the mark.


Movies and TV serials have created a hype about a perfect ‘college life’ that one should have. Yes, college years are the best to have fun, and yes, a girls' college is a lot of fun. Moreover, we grow and develop a very distinct personality in these college years. So here are five most important lessons a girls' college teaches you :

Being comfortable in your own skin 

At a girls' college, one is able to shed those ‘ideal guidelines’ and explore realities.The ideal body image is no longer an issue as you learn to be who you are and accept it. We can find girls roaming in the college in nightdresses, in party dresses, in formals, in shorts and skirts, in kurtas, in anarkalis. They wear the clothes they want and not what society wants them to wear.

Nishita, a 22-year-old soft engineer, says, “ A girls' college has taught me to be comfortable of where I am and who I am. And this I carry with me in my work as well.”

Your Confidence levels rise 

You care less what others might think of you. Views, opinions of others help you to form a perspective but they never interfere with your confidence. With a sudden freedom from the ‘watchful eye’, girls feel free to express their opinions. One must see the debating society of a girls' college. The fierceness in their debates will catch you off guard.



As girls open up to each other, without the fear of being judged, there is this mobilization of sensitivity making them aware of each others' problems. ‘Feminism’ no longer stands for just a buzzword, it gains meaning. We get to understand its implications and all debates and discussions include a touch of sensitivity to social issues.

One learns to deal with people 

There is politics that goes around, we have our power struggle and diplomacy issues. But I think, those are the most important experiences that teach us how to deal with different situations. By the start of the third year, all girls have enough experience to face any sort of argument or power play. They are ready to demand their rights in the outside world.

Greater opportunities 

In terms of academics and extracurricular activities, participation of girls increase. They are less hesitant in trying new things. They feel inspired and empowered by girls around them who are achieving a lot in their field. And hence they utilize all the opportunities they get.


Ianthe, a pass-out from Kamala Nehru College, says: “A girls' college has taught me to be myself. Like I didn't think twice about how I’m looking, what I'm wearing and all. And that’s something that has stuck with me even after leaving college.”

What emerges out from these college years are bold and confident women who are ready to take on any challenge. A girls' college serves as a cocoon where each one of us develops to our full capabilities.

Also read: Lessons learnt from studying in a girls college

Rachna Chandira is an intern with SheThePeople.Tv

learning confidence Women Empowerment Girls College college