
First ever all-women scientific expedition to Antartica

Poorvi Gupta
New Update
First ever all-women scientific expedition to Antartica

It will be first time in the history that a team of all-women scientists will travel to Antarctica for scientific research. The first chapter of this expedition titled "Undisciplined: Leading Climate Solutions by Bridging the Sciences,” will start next year from December 2 to 21, 2016.


The Homeward Bound program, an Australia-based group plans to bring a thousand women together to explore this opportunity. The first expedition will have 78 women. The program aims at exploring reasons for the under-representation of women in science and put women at the heart of investigating and studying our climatic challenges. This journey will be recorded and later released in the form of documentaries showcasing the women who participate.

“The most pressing concern for scientists at the moment is climate change. Antarctica is like a canary in the mine,” said Dr. Amanda Davies, a geographer and social demographer who will be part of the Antarctic team, in a report by Makers. Amanda, who is a 35-year-old woman with kids hopes to create an example for all those mothers who put careers on a back-seat.

A researcher, Melissa Haeffner has been selected to be a part of this expedition too from the Utah State University. Melissa, a post-doctoral researcher in sociology, is going to be one of the only two social scientists on the trip. “What I see is there’s a division between the biophysical sciences and the social sciences. You either do biology or sociology; we need to work together on actual research,” said Melissa to HJNews.

Science has largely been considered a male-dominated area, but the tables are turning now. At least the dialogue has begun and women are actively discussing their participation in science. This expedition promises to be closely tracked and watched through the journeys, experiences and challenges of the women who make it.

Picture Credit- Rejectedprincesses

all women expedition to antartica #EveryWomanIsALeader women in antartica #WomenAtWork Amanda Davies