
First Anti-Conversion Charge Sheet Filed , Accused Held For Abduction and Rape Of Dalit Woman

Under the Uttar Pradesh's anti-conversion ordinance, the first chargesheet was filed against a 22-year old man --- identified as Afzal --- for alleged forced conversion, rape and abduction

Sugandha Bora
New Update
Love Jihad charge sheet

The police of Bijnor city, Uttar Pradesh, has filed the first charge-sheet under the anti-conversion ordinance passed on November 28, 2020. Bijnor police presented the final report against a 22-year old man for alleged kidnapping, sexual coercion and forced conversion of a Dalit woman. She was allegedly kidnapped from near her home last month. The charge sheet was filed in the court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate earlier this week.


The charges levied against the man -- identified as Afzal -- were under the provisions of:

  • Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance, 2020
  • IPC Section 375 (rape)
  • IPC Section 366 (kidnapping, abducting or inducing woman to compel her marriage, etc)
  • Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989

The investigating officer, Kuldeep Kumar Gupta stated that the woman reported rape and forceful conversion in a statement in front of the District Magistrate. According to the officer, she said that the accused tried to forcefully convert her religion. She further added that Afzal hid his real identity and claimed that his name was Sonu. He reportedly used to visit her house and they eventually became friends.

“The victim claimed the accused sexually assaulted her and she came to know about his real identity when she went with him. He told her his real name and said would marry her after conversion,” the officer added.

According to reports, the 21-year-old woman had shifted to Chandigarh with her parents. The accused also shifted there.

The woman and her parents came to Bijnor last month to attend a family wedding. She reportedly went missing while visiting a market on December 6. After two days, the woman’s father lodged an FIR against Afzal when he heard that she was last seen with him. On December 9,  the woman was found in the district by the police. The police then lodged a case of abduction and under the new anti-conversion law. On December 10, the police arrested the accused and produced him in a local court. Consequently, he was sent to judicial custody.


The anti-conversion ordinance

Controversially referred to as 'love jihad' law by the law-makers and right-wing masses, the law provides for one to 5 years of imprisonment, with a minimum fine of 15,000 rupees for forced conversion. It also rules for 3-10 years of prison for the conversion of minors and women belonging to the SC/ST community. The law further set provisions for a jail term of 3-10 years and a penalty of 50,000 rupees for forced mass conversions.

Interfaith couples who want to get married will have to inform the district magistrates two months before the marriage. Any violation of this will attract six months to three years of imprisonment and a fine of 10,000 rupees. Furthermore, marriages could also be declared null and void if they are found to have involved forced religious conversions.

Under this law, UP police lodged 14 cases and made 51 arrests within a month. Of these arrests, 49 accused are still in jail, according to reports.

Also Read: UP Love Jihad: One Month of  Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance, Where Are We?


Dalit woman Abduction anti conversion Law love jihad