
Equal Maternity Rights For All Women In Armed Forces Spotlight Inclusivity

Indian armed forces have extended maternity, childcare, and child adoption leaves to women in the personnel below officer rank. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh approved this proposal to ensure the inclusivity of all women in armed forces, regardless of their rank. 

Ishika Thanvi
New Update
India's armed forces began inducting women officers in 1992, Getty Images

India's armed forces began inducting women officers in 1992, Credits: Getty Images

In a significant move, the Indian armed forces have extended maternity, childcare, and child adoption leaves to women in the personnel below officer rank (PBOR) cadre, aligning with the Agnipath recruitment model. Defence Minister Rajnath Singh approved this proposal to ensure equal leave entitlement for women soldiers, sailors, and air warriors as their female officer counterparts. This decision reflects the minister's commitment to inclusive participation of all women in the armed forces, regardless of their rank. 


It aims to address women-specific family and social issues in the military, enhancing work conditions and enabling a better balance between professional and family life. While the Navy has already begun recruiting women under the Agnipath scheme, the Air Force and Army are also set to follow suit.

Transition to Agnipath Recruitment

The Agnipath model, a recent departure from the traditional recruitment system, seeks to enlist soldiers for four years, with an option to retain 25% of them in regular service for an additional 15 years after reevaluation. These recruited individuals are known as Agniveers. The inclusion of women in this model empowers the armed forces with the valour, dedication, and patriotism of female soldiers, sailors, and air warriors in safeguarding the nation's land, sea, and air boundaries. 

Indian women are steadily breaking barriers across various domains in the armed forces, from serving on warships and excelling in the skies. Notably, in 2019, women made a significant stride by joining the Indian Army as soldiers in the Corps of Military Police.

Commitment to Nari Shakti

This decision aligns with the Defense Minister's vision for equal participation of all women in the Armed Forces, regardless of their ranks.


Extending the leave rules will address women-specific family and social issues within the military, enhancing working conditions for women and enabling a better balance between their professional and family lives. 

This move highlights the commitment of the government led by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to harness the strength of women (Nari Shakti) and represents a significant shift as women are now serving as soldiers, sailors, and air warriors in all three Services.

Sends a Powerful Message of Inclusivity

The extension of maternity benefits is not merely a policy shift but a significant acknowledgement of the pivotal role played by women in defending the nation. Ensuring parity in these benefits sends a powerful message about the commitment to gender equality and the recognition of the unique challenges that women face in juggling their military duties and family responsibilities.

By instituting equitable and fair maternity benefits, the armed forces are setting a precedent for inclusivity and demonstrating their unwavering support for the well-being and advancement of women in service. This move reflects the understanding that promoting gender equality isn't just about words but about tangible actions that uplift and empower women in all spheres of life.

Personal views expressed by the author are their own


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maternity rights maternity laws in india Agnipath Scheme Rajnath Singh women in Armed forces