
DWA Winner Himani Mishra On Starting Biz, Creating Jobs In Bihar

Rachna Chandira
New Update
Himani Mishra creating jobs Bihar

This Digital Women’s Award was a talent packed display of powerful statements, insightful advices, heartwarming tales of struggles and a belief in a bright future. Himani Mishra, the co-founder of Brand Radiator and the winner of Digital Women’s Award in the marketing category, proved that one doesn’t need to be in a metro city to be an entrepreneur. Speaking to SheThePeople.TV, Himani describes her struggles in building her business in Bihar and how she generated employment in the city.


Brand Radiator and its journey

Himani talks about her six-month-old company Brand Radiator that has efficiently utilized the digital sphere. A digital, IT and marketing company, Brand Radiator runs due to the effort of 20 like-minded people, including Himani. It also incorporates web and application developing segments.

Himani’s 13 years of experience in companies like Wipro, Tata and others gave her the right kind of environment and confidence to start her own entrepreneurial venture.

Challenges faced during the journey

Himani says being a woman from a state like Bihar and wanting to establish a new venture, people were initially sceptical. But gradually, she says when they saw the work, they began accepting it.

About the other challenges, Himani says: “The second biggest problem I faced, working from Bihar -- because our intent is also to help generate employment -- was to retain talent back in the state. So the next biggest challenge which I faced was finding the right talent, the right fit in the state itself.”


Discussing this challenge, she identifies the causes for this, one of them being migration. Others include the right platform and the the skill set that is missing due to the poor education system. “What I started learning in my engineering in 2000 is being taught now,” Himani says.

On making an impact

The young lady expresses gratitude for such platforms like the Digital Women Awards that makes her belief in her entrepreneurial decision much stronger. “You look for micro moments to help yourself feel about that elated feeling,” Himani says. She further shares her happiness on being an inspiration to women in her state Bihar. She talks about how there are so many women out there who would want to be entrepreneurs and be on the stage and achieve this award.

If given a superpower...

If she is vested with a superpower to change the world, Himani wants to see every woman getting empowered. “A world which is beyond boundaries and limitations of jealousy and the tendency to pull each other down.”

Creating a world full of love is what this entrepreneur dreams of. Kudos to you, Himani!


Also Read: Digital Women Awards Announces The Burgundy Achievers 2018

Rachna Chandira is an intern with SheThePeople.Tv

Himani Mishra #entrepreneurship Bihar DWA